Monday, October 31, 2011

Officially A Junkie

The thing is, among the stuffs that I grabbed the other day a the art shop is this. These are magic colours! I'm totally back to kindergarten! Who cares, anyway. So, to make it less lame than what it is, I came out with these...  This one went to my roomie, K.  this is what I'm looking at every time I wanna plug in my MagSafe...  This was dedicated to my babe,...
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Of Weststar Art Shop and KLCC.

It's Saturday and it's the opposite tradition of my family where I'll go off campus every Saturday. Therefore, as for today, I went out to Weststar Art Shops to replenish my art supplies with a classmate.  We took the bus from the campus around 12 noon and took a cab from Wangsa Maju station to the shop. it's gonna take a long while before the bus going to move from the station so...  After...
Friday, October 28, 2011

Charcoal.. Again

As for the GC class yesterday, we're working on the entourage, in this case a group of people sitting together and therefore to accomplish this, some of us (including moi) took turn to be the models while others draw within half an hour. I was in cadet when I was in secondary school so being still for half an hour is almost effortless. One trick will do just to make it through the whole time of stillness. At...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Introduction to Charcoal

To be honest, the only time where I saw charcoal drawing is in Titanic... Wait up, some said Jack actually used coloured pencil.. Anyway, today in GC class, we were introduced to another medium, charcoal. After showing us some examples, we all then got our hands dirty and tried to draw using soft charcoal. We're sitting in a big circle and then we're required to draw the person who was sitting right...
Thursday, October 20, 2011

GC: Assignment #10 Part I

As for today, we walked from KAED's Tutorial Room 4 - where my usual class is being held, to the Main Hall in Cultural Activity Centre (CAC), went to the top of the tower - the one that you can see the river as if it running right under it. We even saw some students were kayaking on the river! Finally, we ended our little tour in CAC's garden...  For this assignment, we were required to...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Campus Tour Series #1

So we finished IBE class a little bit early today so I decided to go around E0 building. The reason to do this? I need some materials for my sketchbook. I think E0 is where most of the Engineering Faculty's administration offices are located. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the pictures! One of the hallways...  Compare to other Kulliyyah i.e. faculties, I love KoE's fences the most. Across...

GC: Assignment #9... Part I

It's almost 2 and currently I'm sitting in front of this... Can You guys guess where is this? So... after trying to get the rough sketches like 2 to 3 times... and shivering as if I got pneumonia or something (it was raining, man!) I finished up the lines and I'm going to decide on what medium I'm going to use on the drawing later... Well, most probably watercolour pencils... Or maybe watercolour...  Alright,...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GC: Exercise #6

As for today, we learned about two points perspective drawing some more as the lecturer gave out some more examples. After that, we went outside the studio to find places with this element and ended up in Kulliyyah of Engineering's garden in the E0 building. For this exercise, we're required to sketch using pens i.e. pigment pens... ...and this is it! Of course, this isn't finish yet as we couldn't...

GC: Assignment #8 Part I

The thing is, I already submitted a one-point perspective drawing of my mahallah's i.e. hostel's middle area and it seems to me the final drawing isn't really good. Therefore, I decided to go and look some of the potential I supposed we could say material for me to draw and while walking around the campus, I saw this. You know that kinda feeling of seeing something for the first time even though...
Monday, October 17, 2011

Awesome Weekend!

Well, the previous 3 days was just crazy! With my parents and lil' bro in KL, my big bro and his pre-fiance came down to meet us all at Seri Pacific Hotel.  On Saturday, their flight arrived at 10 in the morning and I arrived at the hotel like 12 p.m. after meeting up with Kak Ida at KL Sentral. That night, we all went out to have dinner (and LOTS of snacks) literally everywhere! Most of the...

New Weapons

...Kidding! As you guys all know, I'm doing this heaven subject, Graphic Communications... Therefore, when my parents came all the way from Sabah due to some reasons previous weekend, I took them to the Neu Weststar Art Shop, located at Jalan Bandar Melawati Square,  Taman Melawati, KL to buy all the stuffs I need for this subject. Throughout this entry, I'm going to show you guys some stuffs...
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do I Really Want to Go For It?

Big question. Do I really want to be an architect? Should I just proceed to Applied Arts and Design Department instead? NO! I want this so bad I can't even sleep at night, thinking of what buildings I'm going to work on later. It may be in next 5 years, maybe in 7 years... But right now, all I need is to focus on what in front of me right now, and really strive for the best.  Surrounding....
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Waiting and Jumping

Jumping dolphins!  Oh, another one...  Weeeeeee~!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!! Hell, yes! I am excited! WHY? hehe... Let me tell you the beginning of today's tale first. It's Friday and you guys know that I don't have any class starting from Friday to Monday, right? yeah, yeah... don't be jealous! Hehe Other than replenishing my 'How I Met Your Mother Moments with Barney' supply, I pretty much...
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wonderful Day

Still feeling happy about today's Graphic Communication assignment's presentation. :D if you guys wanna check out this so-far-the-best-piece-from-me, go here...  Anyways, I had my lunch for the first time in KAED cafe! I know, right? The dishes were kind of awesome in term of varieties, and being cheap is definitely a bonus.  As usual after lunch, I went to Kulliyyah of Engineering for...

GC: Assignment #7

Second assignment for this week was to create pattern, at the same time to show some examples of the usage of colours, to choose either one colour and degrade it into few different tones or choose 2 colours for example blue and yellow and try to have different tones and get mixtures of the two colours i.e. green in the middle of it. As for me, I chose the first option as I did this exercise before...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Not-Wordless Wednesday

I woke up like 6 this morning and went for a walk literally around the campus i.e. no shortcuts. It was great. I feel great. Fresh air in the morning is one of my favourite thing. Though we were walking side by side, me and K didn't talk so much as we kinda retreated to our own thoughts. I snapped this while catching my breath. Seems familiar to you? This path holds special memory to me. Guess...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Skuad Perodua Era

... hit us the IIUM citizens! As usual, they stayed for mere 20 minutes and gave away lots of things. I got some Mountain Dew drinks and Gardenia's waffles! They also gave away music CDs and some toothpastes and some other stuffs like cosmetics from AVON. Enough with the talking, enjoy the pictures! Starting of the giving-away-stuffs! People were gathering and participated well in answering the...