Tuesday, October 04, 2011

GC: Assignment #1

As you guys know, last week we just learned the very basic of graphic design, which are the dots, and lines together with some letterings and of course some lesson on pencil medium, on how to do the shades and its technique so by the end of the class, we were given our very first assignment on line and its composition, and we got to choose random object to be the subject of our lines, tones, and values assignment...

Thus today, I submitted them and all of us needed to present our drawings.

This is for my lines compositions + lettering...
Assignment #1
I have no idea of what I should call this thing but this is actually a combination key. Some sort from outer place thing as in something that is supposed to be placed in the middle some spaceship to navigate the whole thing. If this was to appear in physical, you need to turn the layers of circles into a right combination in order to unlock the screen in the middle. (This thing kinda remind me of Katy Perry's song 'E.T.')

Tell me what you guys think!
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