Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Campus Tour Series #1

So we finished IBE class a little bit early today so I decided to go around E0 building. The reason to do this? I need some materials for my sketchbook.

I think E0 is where most of the Engineering Faculty's administration offices are located. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the pictures!

One of the hallways... 

Compare to other Kulliyyah i.e. faculties, I love KoE's fences the most.
Across this path is Cultural Activity Centre (CAC)...

As for the last 2 photos, these were actually taken from the bridge that's connecting KoE and KAED. 

That my friends, is KAED. Well, from the back. I couldn't spot Jeremy from up here though. 

Okay! That's all! Next stop? Well, let's just wait and see. 

Signing out!

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