Tuesday, November 15, 2011

GC: Assignment #12

Today is the day I submitted the orthographic drawing assignment. Unfortunately, I didn't take any picture of it for you guys to see and express whatever that comes to your minds about it... I'll update later, kay!

Anyway, since all my classmates done it wrongly, all of them have to re-do and basically I'm the only one who submitted the assignment. Phew! That was a tough one! But the thing is, they got to do it more properly as our instructor revealed some other things we need to include in the drawing i.e. north pointer, graphic scale and other things...

Therefore, while others working on their previous assignment, I got some time to work on my title block design. I already came up with the layout, I got all the elements I need to put on my drawing i.e. my name, my department, matric number, drawing number, and whatnot... Probably going to put a logo or something, so people will recognise that the drawing is mine without looking at my name... :) (Still working on the design of the logo though..)

With that, I got another free-assignment weekend!

Au revoir!
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