Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stairs... Oh Stairs...

For the weekend, the reading assignment given is about stairs...

But first thing first, you should choose which country's standard you want. As for me, I chose Approved Document K as it is considered as the bible for staircase design in England and Wales.

Mathematically speaking, it's kinda easy to understand the dimensions of the stairs. It's not that much of calculations. The rest is all about adding some new vocabularies and enjoying the cool design of stairs...

Anyway, these are some of the photos that I found... I would say, these goes on the list of my future house design. =)

BTW, some of the photos link back to the source.

this reminds of something that I saw in one of Phaidon's books that this is part of the design studio of someone that's in-charge of designing the Apple retail store or something... I'll get back to this later...

Yup! That colour with that wall... Nice!

I love this one.. Like DNA... =)

Okay, that's all for now... I'll post up some more later! Need to hit the bed and maybe try to get some sleep!

Night, world!

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