Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Sketches and Silence...

I'm on semester break right now, so other than working on my previous assignments and tasks, I'm working on my sketchbook.

It's been six weeks since we had our first Graphic Communication class so basically I need to have at least 60 sketches in my sketchbook. 

I decided to give each week a theme or something. For an example, during the first week we were working on lines and lettering therefore the first theme would be the same topic. 

For the past few days, I spent at least half an hour walking around the campus, trying to find new materials for my sketches. I think I'm going to  have like more than 20 sketches merely focusing on buildings around the campus. 

It's kinda weird to see not much of people around the campus. Well, I guess it's given since it's holiday, right?

Alright, that's all for now. I promise to update real soon.

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