Thursday, November 03, 2011


Yep! Finally the good part is here! As for today, we learned all the things about floor plans and elevations!

Since we're still on low level, the instructor just introduced us few things like the roof plan, floor plan,and side elevations. Not even cross sections. Well, not yet, he said.

Next we learned about topography by using a very simple example which is a terrain. Most of us got a little confused about the lines on the terrain and all though.

Anyways, as for the assignment, we're required to create our own topography and placed the 3 primary solids with fixed given dimensions anywhere around it. Later on, we need to draw apparently 3 things, the site plan on scale 1 to 50, the front elevation i.e. in my case from the south side, and the side elevation where I chose the east elevation. Simple, right?

I'm planning to use watercolor pencil to render the drawing this time and probably gonna use the charcoal for the shades.

Well, I guess I can say that it's not much of an assignment for more than a week break. Which means I can finally have a break! Weeeeeee~

Okay, peeps! I'm gonna get some chips from the kiosk as i'm gonna go for Supernatural (season 4 onwards) marathon starting tonight!


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