Thursday, November 24, 2011

GC: Assignment #13... Part I

Like I said in the previous post, we learned about axonometric drawing and today is the day I have to submit it to the lecturer. Even though we need to submit the drawing in fully rendered, I decided to show him my preliminary drawing that I drew on a vellum first.

This is it! A product of approximately 4 hours...

eMainaiSe Gazebo

This is the first drawing.. Just for guidelines i.e. the mainframe of the idea itself.

Some of you probably wondered just now, what is this is, right? Apparently this is a gazebo. A traditional Malay gazebo called Wakaf in Malay language.

Next step would be the rendering part... Which I'm not really sure on how to come out with a good rendering techniques... hmm~

Anyway, since there's some sort of misunderstanding regarding the roof, I decided to re-do even though the lecturer said he's fine with it. There's no way I'm gonna accept that. I'm preparing myself mentally and physically to face the KAED lecturers in near future so yes. I'm trying to push myself further than I can ever be pushed.

Anyway, in continuation to this assignment, we have to add 3 things which are the front elevation, one side elevation, and one cross section of the gazebo.

I'll update some more later on.

Until then, toodles!

2 comments on "GC: Assignment #13... Part I"
  1. I just love your spirit! I wish all the best of luck to you in your upcoming future facing the challenges throughout your days in KAED. With passion, I'm sure you're going to get through all that. Again, goodluck! :)

  2. Thanks, Hidayah! You too! I'm looking forward to see you here!
