Friday, December 19, 2008


It was the third day at my new campus, and by 9 in the morning, my and Hazreen were already at the MPH, KOM to take our Fundamental Knowledge Test which will determine whether we are going to be in the Fardhu ‘Ain Class or the Study Circle group… The result will be announced by tomorrow morning…

Next, we took our Tilawah test at the CELPAD office, at level 4 of the building…

That’s it… that’s for today… It was only 11 a.m. … and we decided to go for an outing… There was no bus… So, we rent a car from a 4th Year Medic student, and took the road to East Coast Mall… It was my first time to take a ride with a friend… It was hard to believe at first but we manage to find the way and went back safely without being lost…

We shopped for everything we need for hostel life… each of us spent over two hundreds and lucky us that we rented a car… I really can’t imagine if we took a bus…

I bought a lot of things such as a bolster, boxes to keep my things, and some food stuffs… In case if I am craving for food in the middle of the night… Mum was mad when I told her about spending over two hundreds and warned me that Dad will only bank me in by the end of the month… Come on… I bought all necessary things… I really did… x)

As soon as we realized we were already in the twilight of the day, we rushed to the car and Hazreen drove us back to the campus… She complimented me for remembering our ways back… If it’s the way to a Mall.. of course I remember it!

After unloaded our stuffs from the car, we parked it at in front of Mahallah Maimunah and quickly climbed up to our Mahallah… I was so tired… and went up onto my bed by 9 p.m…. But I woke up in the middle of the night because I was so hungry… Then, I remembered that I haven’t eaten all day…

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