Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Day at CamPus!

Alright… Here I am… in Mahallah Talhah 6, Level 2, Room 9, and Compartment D… I am all alone….

I arrived at the campus around 8.30 o’clock and I saw bunch of students with their bags and stuffs together with their parents and siblings….

Abang took out all my things from the car and said “Abang rasa kereta Abang baru start bernafas balik..." What?

After done with registration, I went to my room and started to unpack things… Then, about 11 a.m., Mum wanted to leave but before that we took our lunch outside at some restaurant… Then, Mum and Bro left for Seremban…

At 12.30, all new students were required to assemble at in front of the Centre Facilities of Mahallah Talhah with the Taaruf Kit and wearing Baju Batik. Then, we walked towards the Kulliyyah of Medicine. For this Taaruf, which will going to be ended by tomorrow’s evening, all programs slots will be held in Kulliyyah of Medicine, except for our Kulliyyah Briefing, which will be held in our own Main Auditorium in Kulliyyah of Science.

It all started with Opening Speech by the Assistant Head of the Department of Student Development, and then some words by the committees, and the 5 hours briefings started after that. The briefings were about Mahallah, Finance, Health, Online stuffs, and other things…
I really can’t imagine how other people can endure all those times!!! I was so exhausted!!!
We also practiced the IIUM song - which will be sung tomorrow's evening at the Closing Ceremony in front of Deputy Dean of respective Kulliyyah in this Kuantan Campus. Then, it was time for Bai’ah (Oath) practice…

Everything’s over by 11.30 p.m. and we all headed back to our room to get some sleep before getting up by 5.00 a.m. for Subuh prayer… Alhamdullillah…

Well, I’m glad today is over…x)

Can’t wait for tomorrow!!!

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