Friday, December 19, 2008

Ending of the Taaruf Session

Woke up by 5.00 in the morning, gathered at the park in the middle of T6, and walked together with the others towards the Musolla in Mahallah Maimunah which is about 3 minutes walk from our Mahallah… after praying Subuh, we had some Tazkirah… Short, simple, but a good one…

Then, it was the morning exercise… We gathered at the hall next to the Musolla and started to dance ‘Poco - Poco’…. The instructor was kinda funny though… About 8 a.m., we had our breakfast and gone back to Mahallah and prepared ourselves for the Kuliyyah briefing and the Closing Ceremony…

About 9 in the morning, we took the shuttle bus for a ride to our Kuliyyah of Science and headed to the Main Auditorium…

The first briefing was about Bachelor in Biomedical Science. The speaker had very good English and I just love her British accent… She is the Head of Department of Biomedical Science, Sr. Nurul Wahidah Saad... She teaches Principle of Epidemiology for First Year and Biostatistics for Third Years...

Well, actually, up until yesterday, I wasn’t really sure what course that I’m going to take… even though there were several times I told my friends that I’m going to go for Biotechnology, but I was actually hadn’t made up my mind at all… I was indeed wanted to go to Biomedical as I have deep interest in forensics… After the briefing, I was almost 70% sure to go for Biomedical…

Next was the briefing for the ex-Physical Science students, which was the CTS which I don’t remember what does it stands for… I don’t mind anyway… x) All that I know that the course was all about mathematics which is an allergy for me… x)

Then, it was time for Biotechnology… The briefing was only half-interesting and I was nearly fall asleep… but then at the end of the session, I realized that the degree holders of the course will have wide job opportunities…. It’s a good thing… well… what more can I expect?

So, after all the briefings, we were required to submit a form and we need to decide which path or course we want to take… I was nervous… I hadn’t made up my mind yet… I really don’t know what to choose… I was really pushed to the corner, yet I was still struggling to decide what’s best…

But in the end… I did it…


That’s the course that I’m going to take… Then, before leaving the Hall, I took the course outlines and ready to go to the Kulliyyah of Medicine…. Unfortunately, while I was walking down the stairs, I fell off and sprained my ankle… It was a real pain… I tried to endure it… But I just can’t… The committees helped me to walk towards a car and they drove me to the clinic…

At the clinic, I was injected so I can endure the pain, but still, I can’t walk for a while… I was directed by the doctor to use the wheelchair, but I refused… I was sure that I’ll look more pathetic on that… So, I tried my best to walk even though the pain was killing me… The doctor said I need to rest and I don’t need to attend the next program but the next program was the Bai’ah Session… I don’t think I can just leave without taking the oath just like that… So, I told the committees that I want to be there; even though I can’t stand I still can sit and held my hands up while taking the oath… They agreed… They took me back to the Multi purpose Hall in Kulliyyah of Medicine, and I sat at the very back of the hall, on the sofa… I can’t feel my leg anymore and I felt very sleepy… The ceremony began, and when it came to the Bai’ah session, I gladly took it and left after that…

I went back to my room to get some sleep… GooD NigHt!

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