Thursday, July 28, 2011


All that I can think of right now is a closure.  Why do I need a closure? I don’t know. So my life could be much easier? Maybe. So my life could be less complicated? Definitely.  A closure means I’m going to need to cut all the connections with all the people I've involved with and family members are the only exception. But first, let’s talk about the phases of my life and so far I have...
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Should I?

Looking at my MacBook, iPod Classic 120 GB, and iPhone 3GS…I was thinking to buy the latest version of them but since they’re still working properly (except my 3rd Generation iPod Touch – the screen was broken), I think I’m going to wait until next year…Or maybe I’ll just get myself the white iPad 2 and the latest iMac… But then the iMac won’t do as I still have 2 years to live in the campus…What...
Friday, July 22, 2011


After 3 weeks of waiting for the result to come out, finally it has been announced! It was kinda difficult to log in at first but after trying for almost half an hour, I managed to log into my account. Alhamdulilah, the result came out good. Didn't think I can get B- for Pre-Cal though. Still, it seems that I'm gonna take the subject for the second time as I need at least B to change to Architecture...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Of Tablet and Desktop PC

First of all, let me rewrite the title... As I'm going to write about the Desktop part in next entry...Of Apple's iPad and Asus' Eee PadI saw this article by Vijay Ravindran, the current senior vice president and chief digital officer for The Washington Post, on how Asus triumphed over Apple with Android tablet, the then hard-to-find Android-based Asus Transformer, known as the Asus Eee Pad. (So much...
Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Connections!

Went dark for the past week!Anyway, just got back from Educational Hearten Camp '11 with fellow MISI Club members....I'll update later! xox...
Sunday, July 10, 2011

EHC '11 Last Day

When I woke up this morning, I was so excited like the first day I got into this school. After packing up my things, I left the room and headed down towards the school assembly area. We had our final Break Bone session and it was fun!After that, we all went to the Operation Room for our final module with the kids which is Sharing Moment. We talked about lots of things regarding the future, of where...
Saturday, July 09, 2011

EHC '11 Day 4

It’s the fourth day and as usual, we had the morning routine and had breakfast a quarter before 7. I sat with few girls at the table and they were friendly enough to let me take their pictures.After self-preparation, I went to the Main Hall together with some of the committees and while waiting for the kids to come, I hang out with Sr. Aziah, our Assistant Head of Facilitator. She showed me the prepared...
Friday, July 08, 2011

EHC '11 Day 3

First of all, Happy 46th Birthday, Mom!Woke up quit early today as I’m so excited to get on with the programme. Can’t wait to meet the kids, too!As planned yesterday, we all gathered at the Operation Room around 7.30 in the morning. Some of the committees went above to the mini hall, preparing for the launching of the programme which is scheduled at 9.00 a.m. Around  8 a.m., we all gathered...
Thursday, July 07, 2011

EHC '11 Day 2

It’s a great morning and I woke up around 6.30 a.m., took a shower and started to pack my things. Went down to cafeteria for breakfast around 7.30 a.m. We had fried noodles and fried eggs. It’s been a real while since I joined programmes and this feeling, the warmth and friendly atmosphere was just nice.  Then, after the breakfast, I joined a table of conversation between Bro. Airul, Jijah,...
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

EHC '11 Day 1

July 6th, 2011 (Wednesday) 2 weeks before, I asked Dad if he can drive me to Sandakan himself on July 6th and he’s okay with it as going to the city is a monthly ritual for our family as my Mom is from there and half of her family members are still residing around my old Grandma’s house at 7 miles from the downtown area.  Unfortunately, something came up thus he, Mom, and Arif had to go on...
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Transformer 3

TRANSFORMER 3: DARK OF THE MOONONE WORD: AWESOME!Alright! Maybe some of you are wondering why in the world this post is dated on 5th of July though it premiered in Malaysia on 30th of June? Because I promised my lil bro to save it until I flew home and watch it together in 3D at the latest 3D hall in town. Anyway, as you guys already know, the movie is 2 and a half hour. Though it's freaking long...

Closing Ceremony

10TH JULY 2011 (Sunday) 01.30pm Asma’ Al-Husna01.35pm Welcoming Remarks By Master Ceremony01.45pm Quranic Recitation02.00pm Speech By Programme Manager02.15pm Speech By SM Agama Sandakan Principle (Encik Roslan Bin Diming)02.25pm Multimedia Presentation 02.45pm Prize Giving03.00pm Token Of Appreciation03.05pm Bai’ah Session03.15pm Refreshment (VIPs)03.30pm Heart To Heart Committees04.00pm Photography...

Opening Ceremony

OPENING CEREMONY8TH JULY 2011 (Friday) 08.25am Arrival of Committees and SMKA Sandakan Staff08.30am Arrival of SMKA Sandakan Principal and MISI Advisor Dr. Dolhadi Bin Zainuddin08.35am Welcoming Remarks by Master Ceremony08.40am Quranic Recitation 08.50am Official Opening Programme Launched by Dr.Dolhadi Bin Zainuddin MISI Advisor witnessed by SMKA Sandakan Principal09.00am Multimedia Presentation...

Tentative Program

6TH JULY 2011 (WEDNESDAY) 1st GROUP 10.00am Arrival of the 1st group at Sandakan Airport from Kuala Lumpur11.00am Depart to Kompleks Sukan Sibuga Sandakan12.00pm Lunch at KSS Cafeteria12.30pm Zuhr Prayer2nd GROUP 02.00pm Arrival of the 2nd group from at Sandakan Airport from Kota Kinabalu02.45pm Depart to Kompleks Sukan Sibuga Sandakan03.30pm Arrive at Kompleks Sukan Sibuga Sandakan3rd...

Dress Code

IN GENERALMaleMale committees and facilitators are required to wear shirts or collar T-shirts throughout the program.During sport or other outdoor activities, male committees and facilitators are allowed to wear collarless T-shirts with long pants (other than jeans and track suit pants).FemaleFemale committees and facilitators are required to wear Baju Kurung or Jubah throughout the program.During...

Rules and Regs

These are the rules and regulations in general.All committees and facilitators are required to be at selected venues at least 15 minutes before any program begins.All committees and facilitators are required to put their hand phones in silent mode.Mu’amalat among male and female committees and facilitators must be observed.Jeans are highly prohibited for both male and female committees and facilitators...

EHC '11

EHC '11 stands for Educational Hearten Camp 2011. After decided to join the programme, I attended the early meetings and here I'm going to post the details about the program. First of all, an introduction of the programme. Frankly, as this program is a continuation of English and Da'wah Camp, the main objectives of the programme is to promote English among secondary school students and at the same...

Wan Wan

Introducing our latest member of the family, Wan Wan!The story behind the name of Wan Wan is quite funny actually. My lil bro said, after he bought the cat from Gaya Street (it's street market held every Sunday at downtown KK where you can see a LOT of foreigners from different countries - a must go if you guys ever going to come to KK, Sabah), my parents brought him to pet shop to buy the cat house...
Monday, July 04, 2011

Flying Home

Here I am, sitting in the boarding area, looking at the people I'm going to board with in about 45 minutes.Before that, look at 2 awesome figures that greeted me in front of the entrance just now! I'm sorry for the low quality pics as I'm just using my Sony Ericsson W995 that happened to be at the back pocket of my jeans that time as my hands are occupied with a LOT of things so I only managed to...

What a Nice Day It Is!

There are plenty of reasons why it is a nice day but the main reason is I'm flying home for the first time since I enrolled into this university - I mean this campus!Even hearing the sound of the lawn mower first thing in the morning didn't pissed me off anymore!I slept around 4 this morning and since I usually have a 8.30 morning Computer class, I did woke up around 7.Basically I'm done with packing...
Saturday, July 02, 2011

Alone At Last

After finishing my final paper yesterday, even after waking up from a straight 10 hours of sleep, I still feel exhausted. Boy, I wonder if I can handle all those sleepless nights in future...Anyway, from morning to evening, I have done nothing other than laying on bed watching How I Met Your Mother and Chuck. After watching like 6 hours straight, then I felt hungry. I went to the cafe but nothing...

Islamic Worldview

Salam to all my brothers and sisters.... For those who got directed from A Journey Never Ends, I would like to say thank you so much for dropping by! Most of you probably looking for UNGS notes right? As you guys can see, I had to move all the notes to here to integrate them with my other learning materials here in this new blog. Well, another reason is because I'm already used to
Friday, July 01, 2011

In a Blink!

Wow! When I woke up this morning, I realize that today's is the last day of this semester. ... and I went through my last paper this morning and with that I'm officially done with the semester! The result will be announced on 22nd of July and let's all pray hard that we got the best for our papers! I'm expecting (more like my parents actually) good result for this semester and all I can say that...


In contrast with Pre-Calc's level of difficulty, the paper was extremely easy.... It's Basic Computing Skills! You can't blame me for excelling in something that I'm born to champ in, right? But, if you're saying the course was real drag, indeed. The paper was 2 hours but I'm done in less in an hour... There were single choices questions and 'True or False' and the famous essay questions with sub-questions...

Last Paper!

Course: Basic Computing SkillsCourse Code: BSC 0114Venue: Seminar Room 1, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental DesignTime: 9:00 a.m.Wish me luck, guys!xoxo, El...