Thursday, September 29, 2011

GC: Exercise #2 and #3

We started the class with submitting the first assignment, but the thing is I misunderstood the instructions on when to submit it as I thought it was to be submitted on next Tuesday's class.

Anyway, in continuation to the first topic, we had another exercise on Lettering. This one is easy as all you need to do is just write alphabets. But the style of each alphabet should be the same i.e. same typeface.

Exercise #2
With that, we're done with the second week's topic on Pencil & Pen Medium: Lines & Lettering.

Next, we went to the third week's topic as we want to learn the tones and values together with the shades and shadows.

Thus, the instructor took a white paper and crumpled it up. He placed in on the table and we could see different tones and values of darks shades and its shadows.

Our second exercise for today is to draw it. I was hesitating at first as I really don't know how to begin but then I just started sketching.

So, here goes nothing.

Exercise #3
It's obvious that I was too ambitious with the number of tones but yeah...

So, that was all of it and before we ended the class, the instructor gave us our second assignment which is to draw an object in 3 papers, the first one just to draw its line, the second one is just to draw its tones and values and the third one is to combine its lines and tones together with its shades and everything.

So... I have 4 assignments to be submitted next week. Goodbye, weekend.

Signing out!

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