Saturday, September 03, 2011

BSc. Arch

... Or Bachelor of Science in Architecture in full. I'm still in Applied Arts and Design Department so I need to take care the procedures of changing into that Department as soon as possible. Therefore, here I want to give some introduction about the course.

(taken from IIUM website)

Academic Concept

It is a three years architectural degree of a five years programme after successful completion of IIUM's AED matriculation programme or the STPM / GCE 'A' Level or Equivalent. While the emphasis of the IIUM Architecture & Environmental Design (AED) matriculation programme is in preparing the students with SPM with Language skills (English and Arabic), it is also provides them with basic foundation on environmental design fields.BSc in Architectural Studies provide the technical and skill requirements of the overall architectural education leading to Part I and a basic entry requirement to Bachelor of Architecture Degree for Part II of the professional degree programme.

Career Opportunities

Job prospects for Bachelorof Science in Architectural Studied graduates includes:

  1. As a Government or Public Assistant Architect with the Public Works Department and Statutory Bodies
  2. Assist Architect to Professional Architect as an employee in a beg architectural organisation
  3. Project Manager - managing a development project on behalf of a client
  4. Specialist in the field of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
  5. Research Officer (with universities, research institutions, NGO's or private firms)
  6. Graphic Illustrator
  7. Academician
  8. Architectural writer for journals
  9. Developer, Manufacturer, Entrepreneur, Contractor and others


University Required Courses

Bahasa Melayu Lanjutan 1 & 2 (Malaysian Students only)
Tilawah -Tajweed 1 & 2
English for Academic Purposes
Courses in Arabic Language
Courses in Islamic Studies
Quran, Sunnah and Built Environment

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies Required Courses

Habitat Design 1 & 2
Architectural Design 1,2,3,4 & 5
History of Architecture 1,2 & 3
Theory of Architecture
Building Construction and Material 1,2 & 3
Architectural Graphics
Building Services 1 & 2
Structure 1 & 2
Environmental Science & Systems 1 & 2
Computer Aided Design - 2D
Computer Aided Design - 3D
Land Surveying
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Cultural and Human Behaviour in the Built Environment
Heritage Studies
Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
Building Contract and Contract Administration
Integrated / Multi-Disciplinary Project 1
Working Drawing & Specification
Entry Requirements

Admission Requirements

3 Principals passes in the STPM, obtained in one sitting, OR
3 principals passes in the GCE 'A' Level, obtained in one sitting, OR
Any other certificate recognized by the Senate of IIUM as equivalent to the above subject or interview and portfolio review by the department

Language Requirements

English is the primary medium of instruction. All applicants should submit a score of 550 in the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreigh Language) or 6.0 points in the IELTS (International English Language Testing Services) or EPT (English Placement Test). The laster is administrated by IIUM. Candidates who do not meet the above requirements may take up language proficiency courses within the university to achieve the required standard. Arabic is employed as a secondary medium of instruction.

That's all from the University website.

As I met up with few friends and talk to them of changing to Archi, all things that I heard are the tortures. Hmm. That's a good a start. I guess.
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