Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introduction to Built Environment

So, finally after 2 weeks, we had our IBE, short for Introduction to Built Environment class...

Thus, here is the course outline...

Kulliyyah: CELPAD
Department: Architecture and Environmental Design
Course Title: Introduction to Built Environment
Course Code: BAE 1310
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3

Course Assessment:
  • Report (5%)
  • Mid Term Test (20%)
  • Forum (10%)
  • Case Study (15%)
  • Final Examination (50%)`

Week 1-2

Subject briefing
Introduction to subject AED 1233
Introduction to:
  • Natural and Built Environment
  • Environmental Design Components
  • Design Process
Week 3

A Brief History:
  • Early Human Settlements
  • Nature of Cities, Landscape and Buildings
Urban Design Principles and Elements

Week 4

A Preface towards Urban Regional Planning
  • Planning Scope and Process
  • Types of Planning
  • Planning in Malaysia
Week 5 Introduction to Architecture of the Muslim World
  • Introduction to the history of the Islamic World
  • The Main Urban Components of traditional Islamic City
    • Suq
    • Mosque
    • Other public facilities (baths, caravanserai, madrasah, hospital)
Traditional Malay House
  • The Characteristics and Elements
  • Structure and Materials
  • Design for Climatic School
Week 6
  • Landscape and Civilisation
  • The Characteristics and Elements
Week 7

MID-TERM Examination

Week 8

Appreciating Art and Its Meaning
  • Definition and Terms
  • Philosophy and Themes
  • The Characteristics and Elements
Introduction to Islamic Arts

Week 9

Applied Arts and Design: Its Application

The Importance and Functions of Product Design

Week 10 

Sustainability in Built Environment
  • Global Environment Issues
  • Introduction to Barrier Free Design
  • Islamic Principles and Values in Built Environment
Week 11 & 12

Forum (Presentation)

Week 13

Introduction to Profession in the Built Environment:
  • Planner
  • Architect
  • Landscape Architect

Week 14 Introduction to Professions i the Built Environment:
  • Quantity Surveyor
  • Industrial Designer
  • Interior Designer
  • Conservator

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