Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Met Her!

While walking toward the parking lot, I heard a voice calling out for my name. It's Fafa!!! She's my junior back in CFS and now in her 3rd year doing Engineering majoring in Automotive. She's actually doing a I don't know what to call it, part-time job? As a demonstrator in the workshop for the freshmen students in her faculty. Looks simple but I think there are so much more she can gain from this...

You Called That Assignment?

I didn't attend the previous Computer class on last Friday as I was busy with transferring Jeremy from the morning until afternoon. Not to call that was a good excuse but I got no other choice as there are lots of other things I need to do other than attending classes... Plus, I'm sure I didn't miss that much of information cause I know we'll be doing topics on storage and a bit of MS Word... Anyway,...

MS Word Part II

Lab 5: Microsoft WordToday we'll be finishing up learning about this software. Since we're using Microsoft Word 2003 as reference, we just go along with the Microsoft Word 2007 instead.By opening the program, we'll see a lot of features. Tab SettingThe default tab setting is half an inch. On the document, press the tab key a few times to move across the page or we can manually just drag the ruler.Document...

Good or Bad News?

Depends.That's all I can say when our temporary instructor just announced her being permanent instructor, replacing our ex-instructor now, Mdm. Shafini....
Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Was Saying

In continuation to my entry First Program in Gombak .... I was saying about viewing the program in a bit different way, right? So I was thinking.. by looking this whole situation in another point of point of view... As you guys already know, I'm from Sabah. Born and grew up the first 12 years in my hometown and when I was 13, I went to boarding school in the main city of the state but...
Saturday, May 28, 2011

What a Surprise!

It's Saturday but I don't have any anything popped out of my iCal. So I guess, spring cleaning will do. Anyway, I just went through my wardrobe and found this 3 and half inch almond-coloured heels! Didn't expect to see it together with my sneakers... lol...and I think I have one dress that can go with it!xox...
Friday, May 27, 2011

Jeremy Is Here!

Jeremy Is Here!After waiting for 2 weeks before he can be transferred and another 5 days cause he was stuck here and there, he's finally here! When I saw him after 5 months, I thought I can just be cool when we finally met. But I just can't help myself. I kiss him. People were looking but I don't really care. I just smiled happily.I took my keys out and just ride him right away. I felt a little bit...

Jeremy Is Here!

After waiting for 2 weeks before he can be transferred and another 5 days cause he was stuck here and there, he's finally here! When I saw him after 5 months, I thought I can just be cool when we finally met. But I just can't help myself. I kiss him. People were looking but I don't really care. I just smiled happily. I took my keys out and just ride him right away. I felt a little bit of uneasy at...

MS Word Part I

Lab 4: Microsoft Word Well, today we're just gonna learn the very (very) basic of this application software on how to open, create a new one, saving, printing, and editing. Anyway, let's just enjoy this lab!First of all, what is this program? Word processing software is an application software that can create any type of written document in electronic form i.e. soft copy.As for Microsoft Windows,...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CPU, Memory and Hard Disk

Chapter 04 CPU, Memory and Hard DiskThis chapter basically focusing on the inside of the system unit but more on Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory and hard disk (HD). CONTROL PROCESSING UNIT AND MEMORY.What's motherboard? The motherboard is a large printed circuit board (PCB), a flat piece of plastic or fibre-glass that contains thousands of electrical circuits etched onto the board's surface.The...
Monday, May 23, 2011


Lab 3: LinuxHow the general idea come about this Open Source Software (OSS)?After seeing the pressure of license and propriety software users, where a lot of money is needed to make sure the software is in good condition, up to date and fulfills their need from time to time.Open Source Software (OSS) characteristics:Software can be upgraded and modified by user easily and freely.Programmers can read,...


This is supposed to be the 5th week of my Computer class but since our lecturer canceled the classes throughout last week, hence we still at the 3rd week's schedule.Another bad news is the fact that she's still sick, we got ourselves a temporary instructor. Why is it bad news? Not only that she's only been assigned our class yesterday, she also just found out the main portal where we got our notes...

Took the bus for the first time!

Finally! After 4 weeks in in this campus I took my first ride on IIUM's bus! I arrived in my class like 3 times earlier than usual... =) Signing out...

Discovered a Better Font

Easy to read and it looks awesome in my iPod Touch. I love this font. =)Been busy with classes and other stuffs. Will update in few days. Promise. p.s.: In love with The Vampire Diaries......

Never Knew

I just came back from the main entrance of my campus to get the McDonald Delivery.. At first my roommate and I waited at my hostel's main entrance but after like 20 minutes, the security told us that the delivery guy won't be allowed to enter the campus ground after the midnight curfew so basically we have to walk to the main entrance which is like 20 minutes of walking. Awesome! So, after...
Sunday, May 22, 2011

So I Watched The Lion King Again!

When I was younger, my early entertainments are more of Japanese anime... Like Doraemon! Of course, my interest in anime grows with me until today.... There are few times I watched Walt Disney Classics like Cinderella... In other words, I never actually have strong memories of Disney's The Lion King, the sequel, and so on... Which is why.. I don't know why.. What came over me...? I don't even know......
Friday, May 20, 2011

Looking at the Stats...

I started this blog like end of 2008... marking the beginning of my life as a Biomedical Science student back in IIUM Kuantan campus..Though I have this strong urge to close down this blog, I still think I want to keep it as I have a lot of memories I wrote down in this blog... Not that I'm calling this as my diary but still... While I was looking at the stats though the page views barely pass 1k...

It's Been A While...

It's the fourth week since I'm in Gombak and it's the end of the second week in the academic calendar... to all my friends who are in the middle of their internships, I wish all the best to all of you... Well, for this semester, I only do 2 subjects... Computer and Mathematics... Since I already done these subjects back in CFS, I think I handle them quite well... There are lots of things I didn't...

Let's See...

as for today, I've no computer class... and the Pre-Calculus class which supposed to be at 2.30 has been delayed to 6 p.m. today... What 6???? That's my nap time! So far, I'm doing good for both subjects... I catch up a little bit faster as I already studied these subjects before... The good thing is, everything that doesn't has any sense back then starts to make sense now... Like all those shit...
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Class Is Cancelled!

What is it in the world that I hate the most? Betrayal. and then comes fever. and then canceling an appointment with me. So, when you promise to have an appointment with me, #1 - don't be late #2 - don't you ever cancel on me! Especially when I'm already at the promised location. #3 - please use your common senses when it comes to look presentable in front of me. I don't mind if you wear cheap...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Program in Gombak

I was told that the Computer class is cancelled after I reached the class 15 minutes before the class should start. The instructor was sick or something. Even though she promised that she'll post everything on her site if there's anything she wants to inform us regarding the lectures so we won't find ourselves frustrated seeing the "Class is Cancelled" note taped on the lab's door. Anyway, I decided...
Monday, May 16, 2011

Long walk to the class...

As usual, (weird to say actually as this is only the third class) I went to class by the long walk to the Engineering building... Along the way I was thinking about what happened yesterday while I was outing with my roommates... It was fun... =D We watched movies, did some shopping... Since S and Y are doing their internships, I don't get to spend much time with them recently... Anyway, going to...
Friday, May 13, 2011

MS Windows Explorer

Lab 2: Windows ExplorerAs for today's lab, we learned about Windows Explorer. In Mac, we called this as Finder.Anyway, Windows Explorer is an application that is part of modern versions of the Microsoft Window OS that provides a GUI for accessing the file systems. it is the component of the OS that presents the user interface on the monitor and enables the user to control the computer. It is sometimes...

Input Devices

Chapter 2: Input DevicesInput is any data or instruction entered into the computer's memory while input device enables user to direct the computer activities. Input devices are the peripherals used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system i.e. the computer.KEYBOARDSType writer-style keyboard which uses an arrangement of keys, to act as a mechanical levers or electronic...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MS Windows

Lab 1: Microsoft Windows.I'm a Mac user since 2009 and up until now I rarely use Windows. So I guess it's gonna take some time to get used to it again...Anyway, today we learned the very basic of Microsoft Windows.Microsoft Windows is an object-oriented operating system (OS). It uses a graphical usier interface (GUI) and all programs contain in this OS have common user interface and features (window,...