Thursday, September 29, 2011

Graphic Communication Course Outline

Alright, here is the course outline for this course... Week 1 Introduction to the course and graphic equipments Week 2 Pencil & Pen Medium Lines - Freehand and drafting Lettering Week 3Pencil & Pen MediumTones and Values Rendering Techniques Shades and Shadows Week 4Still Life Drawing Week 5 & 6Introduction to Theory of Colour, Colour Medium and Renderings in such medium as:Colour Pencil Water...

GC: Exercise #2 and #3

We started the class with submitting the first assignment, but the thing is I misunderstood the instructions on when to submit it as I thought it was to be submitted on next Tuesday's class. Anyway, in continuation to the first topic, we had another exercise on Lettering. This one is easy as all you need to do is just write alphabets. But the style of each alphabet should be the same i.e. same typeface. Exercise...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introduction to Built Environment

So, finally after 2 weeks, we had our IBE, short for Introduction to Built Environment class... Thus, here is the course outline... Kulliyyah: CELPAD Department: Architecture and Environmental Design Course Title: Introduction to Built Environment Course Code: BAE 1310 Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Course Assessment: Report (5%) Mid Term Test (20%) Forum (10%) Case Study (15%) Final Examination...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

GC: Exercise #1

This is the very first of our exercise in the class... Lines and composition of it... If you guys notice, there's asterisk in there... So I kinda think of something during that moment... An outburst... Therefore I came out with this, and drew it at the back of my sketching paper... What do you guys think? I know I'm a bad drawer... T_T Feel free to drop comments, k? Before the class ended,...

Graphic Communication

I've been studying Science for the past 7 years of my life so this is my first Art class after that many years.... The class is basically focusing on drawing and I hope I can beat the subject and score... Trying to get the bigger view on how do we communicate through drawings. The lecturer asked us to produce 10 sketches per week in a bound sketchbook that is containing acid-free paper to preserve...

Public Transport

A poor student who only goes around the campus with her scooter, Jeremy and take public transports outside the campus. RapidKL buses, LRTs, Monorail, Metrobus... name it... I'm taking them all... The story is after I went to Nilai with my brother and his girlfriend on yesterday, I stayed with my cousin in her parents apartment in Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, KL and around 4 this evening, I took...
Saturday, September 24, 2011

MISI Majestic Night

I just came back from one of the early events run by MISI Club which is MISI Majestic Night. Since we're all still in the mood of Hari Raya, most of the attendees came with their Baju Raya... Including moi! I arrived at Human Science Lecture Theatre 1 around 8.30 p.m. and these are some pics I managed to snap while waiting for others to come... Tikah... Sarawak girl the night started with...
Friday, September 23, 2011

Back to Basic

Well, what else can I say after I changed back the layout of this blog to original intended design! I've always love ivory (lemon chiffon-like) and dark brown... I designed the background pattern myself... =) Simple but this is one of my favourite pattern which is Checkered... Anyway, it's been 2 weeks since the semester had started but I haven't start any of my architecture subjects... ~Ugh......
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hello, KL!

Back in the campus on last Sunday! I miss the campus and everything but the KL traffic? Hell, no! For this semester,... wait up.. wait up... say hello to my new roomie, Q! A first year Law student but she was here one semester before me and K entered this university. ...~ to my ex-roomie, I... Good luck in Kuantan! We do miss ya! Anyways, it's been one week since the semester had started and I...
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Architecture: Form, Space and Order

Title: Architecture: Form, Space, and Order. Author: Francis D.K. Ching ISBN: 978-0-471-75216-5  Paperback  No. of pages: 448   Published:  1975 (1st Ed.)   1996 (2nd Ed.)  2007 (3rd Ed.)  Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (3rd Ed.) After asking few lecturers and seniors, they said that this is one of the must-read book if you're...

How are You Branding Yourself

It's nice to have heads up like this... **** As a young designer it's incredibly important to begin to establish some sort of identity. Why? Because when going after internships and entry-level jobs this identity is what will set you apart from the competition. When I was in college I remember at the end of a project during pin-ups I could always tell which project belonged to whom without even...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Semester!

It's the start of the new academic year, the 2011/2012 session! Even though this campus is freaking huge, I still feel slightly overwhelmed with the students walking around the campus, plus the new students who came from CFSIIUM or direct intakes... ...Anyway, it's the first semester and for me it's going to be the final semester as the Bridging student and hopefully, when I'm done with this semester,...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Top 10 Design Supplies for School

Another interesting article that I found... Here goes.. ***** In writing a must-have design supply list, I knew I’d have to put a few “duhs” in here, and I realize you’re not all first year design students. But I tried to throw in some brand recommendations and tidbits to help even the veteran design student get ready for another challenging, but hopefully, rewarding and productive year. I would...
Monday, September 12, 2011

Surviving Architecture School

If you guys are like me, in the searching of something to begin the journey as an architecture student and trying to find something good to read both in hard copies and soft copies, I think this article might give you something useful. I came across this article yesterday so here I want to share with you guys... *** Going through architecture school can be both a stressful and rewarding experience....
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Sandakan, Again.

My Mom is from Sandakan, Sabah and my big bro was born there in Hospital Duchess of Kent, where my grandma used to work. They used to live in the quarters nearby the TB ward and according to my Mom the placed wasn't as much as crowded during her younger days. But then, 4 or 5 years ago I think, the entire neighborhood was abolished together with the a village next to it and now, there's a highway...
Monday, September 05, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

...and Maaf Zahir & Batin... to all my friends and family out there... Raya preparation this year isn't that much as my parents spent most on renovations in the house... But, for the first time since I was in secondary school, Mom made me 4 baju kurung!!! Hoho My big brother came home on the 3rd day of Eid and we all we went to Sandakan on the 4th day. Kinda rush but we managed to come back...
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Finally home!

Whoa! I just got back from a very short trip to Sandakan, as I visited my grandma on my mom's side of family. As I'm freaking exhausted right now, I'll update about the whole trip on next entry! Signing out!...
Saturday, September 03, 2011

BSc. Arch

... Or Bachelor of Science in Architecture in full. I'm still in Applied Arts and Design Department so I need to take care the procedures of changing into that Department as soon as possible. Therefore, here I want to give some introduction about the course. (taken from IIUM website) Academic Concept It is a three years architectural degree of a five years programme after successful completion...
Friday, September 02, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

I've been searching and reading about this gadget and I think this review from TechRadar is one of the easiest to digest article out there... You guys can check it out here... Welcome to the top spot, Samsung. The outstanding Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Honeycomb tablet is lighter and a hair thinner than the Apple iPad 2, and has a smaller footprint than either the Motorola Xoom or the Acer Iconia...

Latest Samsung Galaxy Tab

I just got the update... Will post them later! But, here is the specifications... Operating System: Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) Processor/RAM: Dualcore 1GHz processor/1GB Screen: 10.1", 1280x800 WXGA Storage: 16GB Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0 + EDR, with USB 2.0 HSPA+21Mbps Camera: 3MP with autofocus and LED Flash with 2 MP front camera Battery Life: 9 hours video Size and weight: 256.7mm x 175.3mm...
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Third Day of Eid

Yep! It's the third day of Eid and finally my big bro is off duty and already here in the house after we fetched him from the airport around 7 this evening. I haven't seen him since last May so yeah, I kinda miss him. First day of Eid, I just spent the whole day with my family at home, cooking the whole morning and served our guests the whole evening. Mom cooked meat soup with mee hoon together...