Friday, June 24, 2011

Islam and ICT


In 1999, Islamic Internet Conference (MISIC'99) was held with the objective of utilizing the Internet to present and acquire knowledge on Islam, sharing information among Muslims all over the globe, as well as establishing personal and organizational networks. This event has become a yearly programme under the supervision of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and was renamed to "International Conference on Information Technology"2. In essence, supports from ICT will enable the Islamic knowledge to be effectively transmitted to the ummah.

Relation between Islam and ICT:

Information Technology (IT
) is defined as "the use of computers and telecommunications for the processing and distribution of information in digital, audio, video and other forms". Based on this definition and the fact that Quran is neither a scientific text book nor a technological "how-to" manual, those who are unfamiliar with Islam might be questioning themselves about the relationship between IT and the book revealed more than 1400 years ago.

Quran stresses the importance of seeking both divine and worldly knowledge from the very first revelation: "Read in the name of your Lord who created * created man from a clot ....."

Knowledge Category

The Islamic tradition has categorized knowledge into two categories.

The first category of knowledge is that rendered by Allah to man through revelation (wahyu). This knowledge is regarded as the highest form of knowledge and eventually is made compulsory on every Muslim to learn, comprehend and implement.

The second type of knowledge is that acquired by humans via rational inquiry based on experience and observation, which normally concern with worldly matter.

Technologies Offered by ICT:

ICT offers various technologies that can be used by the humans in order to facilitate their routine activities. It is said that ICT will be changing the way we work, communicate, study, do business and other aspects of human life. One of the greatestbenefits to be gained from the use of ICT is Internet.


There are lots of Islamic sites have been developed with the purpose of providing and disseminating Islamic knowledge and information:
..and so much more.

  • Spread information about Islam:
  • Forum Forum
  • Chatting Chatting
  • NewsGroup NewsGroup
  • Listserv
  • E-mail

  • Blackmail Blackmail
  • Send pornography
  • Send virus

Prepared by:
Siti Sarah Bt. Maidin
Lab Coordinator,
Department of Information and Communications Technology,
Centre for Foundation Studies, IIUM

1 comment on "Islam and ICT"
  1. Alhamdulillah... I'm done with the notes... As Excel already in hard copy, and over 200 pages... I guess, you guys just get yourself the notes, kay...
