Monday, June 13, 2011

I Want To Go To His Country!

As someone from Malaysia, I kinda have a big responsibility representing my country. Still, I just give a shot... I talked about the basic facts about Malaysia, the festivals held, Islam in this country, the people, and annual activities like Dragon Boat, Le Tour de Langkawi, and so much more... not forgetting the national parks and heritage...

Anyways, let's talk about other presenters!

Second presenter is from Republic of Somaliland. He talked about the location and the history of the country.

Third presenter is actually from Palestine but he lives in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
He talked about basic facts of the people and culture... Mecca as the Qiblatul Muslimin...

Next one is a girl - also from Republic of Somaliland. She talked about experiencing the nature in her country like in Mountain Daalo...

Next is a guy from from Palestine. He talked about myths and the realities in Palestine...

Another one is from Republic of Somaliland who talked about the location of the Republic and little bit of the history...

Next one, Hasan who is from Sudan. Since he have been living in Saudi Arabia most of his life, little that he can talk about his country.

Final presenter is from Jordan! I think this guy has the most abundant interesting facts about his home country... Jordan also known as 'The land of Adventure', has a lot of beautiful places we can go like the Red City Rose Petra, the "Dead Sea" and etc. Since it's a 4 season country, he said we can do different activities at different times throughout the year. He also talked about the currency 1JOD= 1.34 USD, the traditional food - Mansaf, and lastly, he showed some videos of the country.

I think that wraps the topic on what we can do with MS PowerPoint ... Still, even after exploring all those things I can do with the software, I still prefer using Keynote...

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