Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wow. It's the end of the Semester!

Already!!!!! I don't know what happened but 14 weeks really had passed by and soon 2012 will be gone too and what remains are nothing but memories. Anyway, here I am sitting at some corner of a Starbucks cafe, working on my 2013 resolutions. As for next year, I'm working a list of 25 things I need to improve. That's a long list for sure. But it's important. At least for me. Aside from that, I'm...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Theme

I'm sick of the old theme so voi...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I love Japan. The country, the weather, the culture, the food. THE FOOD! I could literally eat sushi everyday. Temaki as well.  Can't wait to finish up my study and go there for a year or something!  Screw Europe! Oh, okay. I promised my best friend a year in Europe. But I wanna live in Japan first then think about Europe.  But one thing remain a mystery about Japan (to me)...
Friday, November 09, 2012

Bearing with...

... Oh, bearing here refers to measuring one point to another using degrees, minutes and seconds. I'm talking about one of the topic discussed in Land Surveying subjects. So yeah. Though I already took this subject last semester, I went along with Mimi, Syira and 2 other bros who are in the same group, Firdaus and the guy from Egypt, Ahmed Maged. I don't have class in the evening so I guess why...
Friday, October 19, 2012

Our First Outing

This is where I'm going to introduce my studio mates. Basically, today we just dropped everything right after the studio, and after I submitted my History assignment on Babylonian Hanging Garden, we gathered at the Bus Stop #3, the one in front of Engineering Faculty a.k.a Kulliyyah of Engineering. After waiting for like almost half an hour, then the T231 bus came. And guess what? Someone had her...
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Drawing Masterclass

Drawing Masterclass by Ruzaimi Mat Rani Very useful especially for beginners like me. Easy to understand and most importantly, fuss-free. View all my reviews I just bought this book today. It was suggested by a friend. For more info, check out this lin...
Saturday, October 06, 2012

Settling in.

I haven't really been in my room the past few days so only today I finally get the chance to tidy up my things that have been dominating half of the floor of my room. Ops. I mean me and Sarah's room. Yep. I'm no longer staying in Nusaibah. Well, I moved in on last Monday but I was busy with my family so only today I finally spent the whole day in this new room. My block is located right in front...
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

New Addition

To my keychain collections. Haha It got alarm, okay!  I've been spending the past few days juggling between the hotel where my parents are staying and the campus. It's really tiring. But it's worth it. Got to spend some time with my family members is the least I could do as I've been staying away from them for like. I don't know... since I was 13?  Boarding schools, matriculation,...
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Your Choice

Three weeks in Architecture, I gotta say. It's been crazy and there's part of me, which I don't know how dominant that part might be, might have second thoughts about this whole Architecture thing. But of course, those are just some lame voices that kept telling me that I can't go through this and just quit already. So basically, at this point I'll just tune the voices down to silent and move...
Sunday, September 23, 2012

KAED Taaruf. That's a wrap!

So yes. The KAED Taaruf has finally come to an end. Now all of us need to move on to our own department, which is in my case, Architectural Studies. Sometimes, I still can't believe I'm in this department. Do I really want to be in it? Or I just don't want to play chicken among my friends and family and just wanna prove to them that I can do this. I don't know. But anyways, I'm just gonna post some...


It's been 2 weeks since I've started my first year's second semester. The highlight of this semester is definitely the Architectural Design 1 studio subject. Even thinking about this subject makes me feel like flying. Cause I'm both nervous and excited. Anyway, we just ended our KAED Fest'12. I gotta say, this year's festival isn't as awesome as last year's. I hate to say this but I'm working...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to First Year Architecture.

It's really crazy. That's all I can say. This is the first week and we're already briefed for the our very first project. For the upcoming week, we're gonna have our KAED Taaruf. And we paid RM50 for it. I'm not sure whether it's gonna worth it or not. One thing that highlighted my week is the fact that I found someone that I've been looking for for the past nearly 2 years. A friend in KAED. Not...
Sunday, September 09, 2012

I'm Nervous!

For all I know, I'm feeling so nervous right now. Especially knowing that Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aziah is going to be my studio master. I intentionally registered under her section. Today's plan was just hanging out and tidying up my room. That's all. I also been thinking about moving out from this mahallah and probably move into Ameenah or Hafsa. Or maybe a mahallah nearby these two. I don't know. Should...
Monday, September 03, 2012

My Baby Nephew

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Face to face and heart to heart We're so close yet so far apart I close my eyes I look away That's just because I'm not okay But I hold on I stay strong Wondering if we still belong Will we ever say the words we're feeling Reach down underneath it Tear down all the walls Will we ever have a happy ending Or will we forever only be pretending Will we (oh oh oh all) ways (oh oh oh all) ways (oh oh...

Another year has passed~

Since yesterday, I was thinking of something that I could do to mark this day. Should I go out, buy some stuffs, watch movies, eating out (break fast), or should I just stay in the room, doing.... Nothing. Or, should i just go Y.O.L.O.? Well, that'll be something. LOL Unlike the previous July 28s, this one was a bit emotional even for me. I spent like an hour sitting at the gazebo outside my block...
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Not just another visit to the bookstore!

It's July and it's reading month! So I went to Kinokuniya to get some new books and they have this awesome offer until the end of this month which is new membership will get 2 voucher of 20% of 2 fixed price books! So, ta-da! It's been a month since I got Nikki but I still don't really know how to get my hands around it. Hence, after doing some Googling, I decided to buy this. ...and I also bought...

Of New Semester and New Room

.... before that, phew! First semester in architecture is indeed crazy and got me killed for a moment there but I made it. We all made it safely. ... and now, it's short semester! Which marks the end of my first year in Gombak and that means one thing. Moving into a new room, in new block but unfortunately the same mahallah. My new room is now located at the very back of my mahallah, 3 blocks...
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

CAD is Awesome!

I gotta say, it's kinda difficult and definitely need a lot of practice but I think I'm just crazy about this software! Haha I know it's sounds weird and crazy but I don't care! All we did today was working on basics stuffs using the toolbar but I rather use shortcuts instead of the toolbar. It helps me saving time while working on the first 10% assignment. And right now, all I'm thinking is starting...
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Here We Go!

Well, this semester is gonna be half studying and half vacation I say. Only one subject and I got nothing to complain about. But it's the first time I learned about Computer Aided Drafting. So I really think it's gonna be a wholesome of new experience. Plus, I haven't been using Windows for so long so yeah. Since my MacBook's performance isn't really that high to operate AutoCAD, I'll be using mum's...
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Urban Trail

Today, me and some of second year students will be going for an urban trail. I never done it before but I'm excited about it! I'll post up some photos when we're done ok...
Friday, April 27, 2012

Final Visit~

This evening me and my group mates went to the house to pick up those hobos that we installed a week ago. We also took some readings using the borrowed lux meter  and anemometer around the house. After two visits, all I can say that the design of the house is nice. But other than the living room, other area of the house is desperate for the owner attention. Well, can't blame them as they...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hachi~ ...
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Simply Nice

Guess whose birthday today? It's Robert Doisneau (1912-1994), who was a French photographer , a pioneer in photojournalism... Google dedicate today for him. ...
Wednesday, April 04, 2012


So, after few days going here and there surveying for the right one, I came to the most anticipation decision in my life (so far...) and here I announce the latest love of my life.  This is Nikki.  my new Nikon D5100... :D Forgive my not-so-awesome photo composition, 'kay... I barely grasp the basic of photography...  Though it's sad to say this but I don't see many holes...

Final Battle

After reading a lot of user reviews, debates, and etc., the battle of the entry-level DSLR cameras for beginners (like moi) has finally down between these two. The finalists are: Nikon D5100 Versus Sony SLT Alpha 35 Let the battle begin.... at KLCC today....
Monday, April 02, 2012

I Wasn't Living

I was late this morning. I arrived at Lecture Theatre 1 exactly at 9.05 a.m. Thanks mum for giving me a name with N as my initial. Yeah, I bet some of you didn't know that here in Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design mostly known as KAED, we the KAEDians are required to come early (well, that's the cliche part, all students must do that) and by the time that your name was announced,...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy van de Rohe day...

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (March 27, 1886 – August 17, 1969) was a German-American architect who is famous as the master of modern architecture... His famous aphorisms, "less is more" and "God is in the details"... Happy birthday, Mies......
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Holly Holliday

Haha :D it's the name of Gwyneth Paltrow in Glee~ Still, starting tomorrow, it's going to be my 11 days mid term break! Weeeeeee! Lots of things need to be done throughout this holiday though... Hmm~ let's make a list. (yeah~make a list...) #1 Winter Cleaning! Looking at my room, #sigh  #2 finish the unfinished reading (hence, notes~) for mid term exam~ #sigh  #3 sorting the unsorted...
Sunday, March 18, 2012

So many things!

Yet so little time! Since I started my classes on the fourth week, I gotta say. At this point, I really just wanna drop my subjects and go for a study leave! I'm going to extend for another semester as I can't register Studio 1 as it's not offered this semester. Hence, I still have 6 semesters ahead of me! Meaning a supposedly 6 long semesters + 3 short semesters program turned into a 7 long semesters...
Thursday, March 15, 2012

It Was Fun!

As for today's Culture's lesson, we were assigned with a task where we are going to attempt to understand the challenges of an old man who's on a wheelchair. Hence, we rented a wheelchair and went to CAC to experience the building. We went around and among things that we found that need serious improvemens are the ramps provided are definitely not up to standards. It's so freaking hard to wheel on...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What a Day!

It's Wednesday and I only had Envi. Sc. Syst. for today. So I decided to continue the hunt for my first DSLR camera. First spot, Nikon at Suria KLCC. After that, I went to Arc to check out new merchandises. Well, nothing new. Next is my favourite spot in KLCC, which is Kinokuniya bookstore! They just re-stocked their Luxe journal collection and while checking other things, there it was. A kind...
Monday, March 05, 2012

Of Kinokuniya and Recycling

I went to Kinokuniya this evening to do some research for Cultural and Human Behaviour in the Built Environment subject which is on human behaviour in different physical setting. Okay. That's sounds complicated (and boring), right? Simply said I have to make observation in a building and as for my part, I chose to do it in a bookstore, hence Kinokuniya. Anyway, after asking the management unit regarding...