Tuesday, July 03, 2012

CAD is Awesome!

I gotta say, it's kinda difficult and definitely need a lot of practice but I think I'm just crazy about this software! Haha I know it's sounds weird and crazy but I don't care!

All we did today was working on basics stuffs using the toolbar but I rather use shortcuts instead of the toolbar. It helps me saving time while working on the first 10% assignment.

And right now, all I'm thinking is starting to work on my dream apartment floor plan. Hehe it's gonna be a lot of fun!

There are various areas of topics we the first year students are going to be assigned with. Basically we're gonna cover the whole Neufert's Architect Data book so I do actually need to start doing some reading.

The upcoming weekend is going to be Archidex'12. It's like one of the grandest event for those in architectural field. I was thinking of going but unfortunately I have to do some shots for my personal Urban Trail with my best friend who's going back to her country soon. Plus, I don't have anyone to go with as everybody is gonna be occupied with the PADI event in UPM Serdang.

I'm thinking of going to catch some movies tomorrow but still haven't decided on what movie yet. Oh, well.

That's all for now and I'll see you guys on my next entry.

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