Friday, April 27, 2012

Final Visit~

This evening me and my group mates went to the house to pick up those hobos that we installed a week ago. We also took some readings using the borrowed lux meter  and anemometer around the house.

After two visits, all I can say that the design of the house is nice. But other than the living room, other area of the house is desperate for the owner attention. Well, can't blame them as they just moved in. 

Anyway, after ensuring we got all the data we need, I went around the house to take some pictures. 

Well, though I can't believe it but I did missed this even after passing by the living room over and over again. 

Anyway, tomorrow is the submission date for Cultural subject and the biggest problem is all my team mates are busy with their working drawings therefore I'm still thinking on how are we going to settle it... 

Whatever la~

I'l see you guys next entry, yeah!

Signing out!

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