Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mini Break

Right now I'm at home. In Sabah! :D I know it's only one month before we gonna have the final exam but there's gonna engagement party that there's no way I can miss it! It's my brother's, that's why! Speaking of which, I just came back from buying so many stuffs for the hantaran things. We, the groom side will be sending 7 trays of it and of course the bride side will be giving 9 trays in respond...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

GC: Assignment #13... Part II

Okay... This is after I finished the rendering part... Basically I did all the things that the lecturer asked us to do. Even though he only asked for one elevation, I did two i.e. the south and east elevations... When I got myself into the studio this morning, I saw every single soul in there is still on process drawings. Hence, after I presented these to my lecturer, there was some...
Thursday, November 24, 2011

GC: Assignment #13... Part I

Like I said in the previous post, we learned about axonometric drawing and today is the day I have to submit it to the lecturer. Even though we need to submit the drawing in fully rendered, I decided to show him my preliminary drawing that I drew on a vellum first. This is it! A product of approximately 4 hours... eMainaiSe Gazebo This is the first drawing.. Just for guidelines i.e. the mainframe...
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stairs... Oh Stairs...

For the weekend, the reading assignment given is about stairs... But first thing first, you should choose which country's standard you want. As for me, I chose Approved Document K as it is considered as the bible for staircase design in England and Wales. Mathematically speaking, it's kinda easy to understand the dimensions of the stairs. It's not that much of calculations. The rest is all about...
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Education of Architecture

This is actually a title from a forum that I've been reading since early this year, it's in English mostly but of course it's Malaysian-based so... Anyway, if you guys wanna check it out, here's the link... This post dated around 2004, which is 7 years ago, so I'll just pick whatever that still relevant to this day of 2011. Anyway, after some consideration, I would like to write some sort of summary...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

IBE Mid Term

One word. Sucks! It's upon 30% actually and the questions were comprised of 30 single choices questions and 15 marks allocated on short notes questions. Well, it wasn't really hard actually but it's pretty much confusing. For an example, who planned 'Victoria' in 1849? Was it James Beckham? Obviously not. Or James John Buckingham? Or James Silk Buckingham? or James Titus Buckingham? The answer of...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No... Don't

I feel like I'm stranded... Alone... With nothing. but the worst part is, I don't know where am I to begin with.  I was standing under the bright sun, I could feel the heat running through my veins, and my heart is burning with pain... after I saw you there. Standing.  I wanted to scream... Out loud to you. But my voice was stuck to my throat, as if something was holding it down from the...

GC: Assignment #12

Today is the day I submitted the orthographic drawing assignment. Unfortunately, I didn't take any picture of it for you guys to see and express whatever that comes to your minds about it... I'll update later, kay! Anyway, since all my classmates done it wrongly, all of them have to re-do and basically I'm the only one who submitted the assignment. Phew! That was a tough one! But the thing is, they...
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Header.. Oh header...

Thinking of changing the header... Same theme but different colour... Will do after I'm done with the mid te...
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Faber-Castell's 250th Birthday

KUALA LUMPUR: Almost all Malaysians would have owned a Faber-Castell pencil or pen at some point in their lives, whether in school or at work. No surprise at all. The brand’s long presence on our shores and globally further asserts this. A trusted companion for many since childhood with its child-safe black lead pencils, colour pencils and wax crayons, Faber-Castell has continued its journey with...
Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

what so special about today? Well, it's gonna be few days left before the break is going to end! Ugh! Last mid term paper on next Wednesday... IBE! I'm only half-way through the notes... Again, what so special about today? It's the day that E was born to this world... Happy Birthday, E. Other than that... It's just a nice palindromic date... Signing o...

What an Awesome Day!

Today, November 11th, 2011... What so special about today's date? I don't know... other than it won't come in how many years ahead of me... Today is the only day that date 11/11/11 ... As for me, today is a sad day. Why? Because today is someone's birthday... Someone that used to mean so much to me. But all those feelings, all those memories are gone now... After cherishing every single moment......
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Sketches and Silence...

I'm on semester break right now, so other than working on my previous assignments and tasks, I'm working on my sketchbook. It's been six weeks since we had our first Graphic Communication class so basically I need to have at least 60 sketches in my sketchbook.  I decided to give each week a theme or something. For an example, during the first week we were working on lines and lettering...
Friday, November 04, 2011

One-Point Perspective

Alright, in continuation of this entry, I hereby post some more pictures... Towards the centre area...  While on the bridge... Be careful! Watch your hands from getting slippery as you hold your smart phones on this very bridge...   This is around the Edu Square... Going towards Ameenah's Cafe...  At one side of the library...  As I want to take things simpler,...
Thursday, November 03, 2011


Yep! Finally the good part is here! As for today, we learned all the things about floor plans and elevations! Since we're still on low level, the instructor just introduced us few things like the roof plan, floor plan,and side elevations. Not even cross sections. Well, not yet, he said. Next we learned about topography by using a very simple example which is a terrain. Most of us got a little confused...

Architects Are...?

Found this from Wikipedia... Architects are introspective, pragmatic, informative, and attentive. The scientific systemization of all knowledge, or Architectonics, is highly developed in Architects, who are intensely curious and see the world as something to be understood. Their primary interest is to determine how things are structured, built, or configured. Architects are designers of theoretical...