Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello, 2014!

So, here we are. At the end of 2013. How's your 2013? For me, it's a total roller-coaster. I was in deep situation early this year and things got a little bit better only in June onwards. Then starting September, so many stuffs happened. I could barely keep up with people around me. All summed up in one word, studio. Okay 2 words. Design Studio. This semester is kinda tough, plus I had to adjust...

Surviving 3rd Semester in Architecture

Alhamdulillah, I survived the second attempt of Architectural Design 1. Though there are other subjects I didn't score well but I still feel relief the fact that my study plan isn't interrupted this time around. There are many things I want to say as honestly I'm really on the edge right now. Sigh. Looking at other people who are moving on with their lives, I can't help but feeling a little bit...
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Of Little Taiwan and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Hey, people! How's your weekend so far? I have so many things to do right now and decided to do this post while resting my mind off design project for a  bit.  Today I'm going to post about a night out with a friend last week at my newly favourite hotspot, KL Festival Mall. We went out on Saturday and it's been a while (like more than a year) for me to go out with a friend that has a car.  We...
Thursday, November 14, 2013

November. Oh, November

Wow. Look at that time. It's 5:49 in the morning. I really did it this time. I was updating my other blogs, ended up watching some stupid videos, downloading some music, updating Facebook and etc. etc. It's been a while since I last spent over 5 hours in front of computer. Feeling 18 all over again. LOL Having a 20-inch all-in-one isn't helping at all. Guys, please avoid buying big screens. Seriously. Anyway,...
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Architectural Design Studio 1: Minor Projects

Minor Project: Metamorphosis 1: Visualize    Minor Project: Metamorphosis 1: Translate   Minor Project: Metamorphosis 2: Articulate.   Mock-Up.    Final model.  Minor Project: Metamorphosis 2: Invigorate      Final model.  ...
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Of Driving Lessons and Insidious: Chapter 2

After I'm done with the first 6 hours long driving lesson, I asked my driving instructor to drop me at the nearest bus stop so I could go to KL Festival Mall. One, to check out TheFaceShop anniversary sale and two, to watch a movie in a cinema I never been to which is MBO.  When I arrived at the ticket counter, there's only one movie I want to see.  Yes, it's the "Insidious: Chapter...
Sunday, October 06, 2013

Not So Alone in Tanah Semenanjung.

It was as planned that my big brother has finally been transferred to Labuan and hence my sis in-law and of course my beloved nephew, Adam Aizuddin. After seven years living on this side of Malaysia, for the first time I have no other immediate family living near with me. T___________T Of course, I have my uncle and aunts and the nearest one is living in Cheras, KL but then of course with my cousin...
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life is full of mystery.

Well, everybody knows that.  While I was hanging out with first year students, some of them were really surprised when I told them I once have a life in Kuantan.  To be honest, I don't really know what to say if people ask me questions like "Why are you in architecture?" or "since you already have experiences in Biomedical Science, why don't you choose a related course like health sciences,...
Friday, September 13, 2013

Typical First Week.

So I heard the Design Studio was postponed due to the First Year's bai'ah (Promise) session today. Ah, I remember when I took my oath. I was the only who's sitting while others are required to stand up. Haha That's another day's story. So I just decided to clear out all my fees, with additional of RM12.50 to my hostel fee (Thank God we don't have to register our electrical appliances anymore!) and...
Monday, September 09, 2013

A New Academic Year Has Begun

First of all,  When I think about it, it's been over 2 years since I'm in this architecture field. Though I still haven't advance to second year due to 2 subjects, I think I'm starting to settle myself in this field.  What's the difference between then and now? One of the things would be I am not so clueless when I talked to my parents about building constructions. At least I get...
Sunday, September 08, 2013

New Year. New Goals.

So I woke up this morning with one thing popped into my head at once. New academic year. This year is going to be my second year since I change to Architecture Department here in Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design of IIUM. There are only few subjects left before I'm proceeding to my second year. Can't wait to be done with First Year subjects! I already registered 3 subjects so far,...
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Movie Marathon!

It was Eid and basically me and my lil' bro had nothing much to do so we decided to do a movie marathon. Plus we're both are leaving for university/college so... The marathon spanned for the whole month where we watched movie every weekend. Well, sometimes twice a week. It's crazy, I know. But we got to use our students card, or we went on movie day, so say no to regular ticket price! We started...
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Another Year Has Passed

This year it's seems almost I didn't care for this day. Except for wishes from friends and family, I got nothing else. Heck, even my best friend didn't call to say Happy Birthday.  Anyway, we just went out and have a slice of cake (well, 3 slices, I was pissed) at Secret Recipe and headed out to Pizza and I got myself chicken steak. With a baby boy was crying (and driving me crazy) on the next...
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Korean Horror Movie Marathon

I guess there are many people out there who are into Korean movies like moi. Well, that's a boring statement. Let's go again. I guess there are many people out there who can't let a weekend go by without enjoying South Korean entertainment such as movies like moi. Another boring statement. Haha :D Anyways, since this is the first week of my so-called summer vacation, I'm calling for a Korean...
Monday, June 03, 2013

So-called Summer Break

Say hello to 3 months break! So the plan is to go YOLO. Seriously laughing out loud right now. Anyway, this probably my last summer vacation so.... I'll see you guys in September! Adio...
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Site Analysis: Informing Context-Sensitive and Sustainable Site Planning and Design

So I decided to invest a little bit more on Site Analysis book and this time, I got this book. After reading few chapters, I really find that this book is extremely helpful and of course a detailed one. So no more of those shabby-ancient style of presenting a site analysis presentation board.  Check out this book on Goodreads! here ...
Thursday, March 07, 2013

It's Really Been a While

Speechless by Hannah Harrington My rating: 4 of 5 stars I laughed. Stunned. Amazed. Shocked. Surprised. Humoured. There even some part when I read it, it just takes me back all the way to high school. And some freshman year in college. Overall, I love it. Looking forward to Harrington's next project. View all my reviews  Yeah. I haven't finished reading a single book in more than 6 months!...
Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Quest for Mum's Anniversary Present

Me and the Gang went to KL today to get some stuffs from Low Yatt Plaza and planned to have a feast at Nando's after that. But I'll post about the latter on part 2 of this post. Anyway, I thought this quest was supposed to be easy. But I was wrong. It all started when me and mum saw the main Protagonist, Goo Jaehee was using a nice (and hard to find) beautiful original Samsung Galaxy SIII Light...