Monday, January 02, 2012

Draggy Notes

But what to do.... these Intro. to Built Environment notes are probably mere 30% compares to future History of Architecture's notes later on...

Wait up. That's one of Architecture Department's subject. I'm still not sure whether I got in or not...

Speaking of which, I already had my port folio review on last Friday. Overall, it was okay... I guess. My instructor gave me few more advises on preparing myself before entering the Kulliyyah next semester and wish me luck.

I told him that I'm planning to work some more on my port folio i.e. getting new materials and try to do some more drafting during the break but then, he said just have some fun cause in near future, I'm going to be very busy. Hmm~ he's probably right. But reading some books on contemporary architecture won't hurt, right?

Anyway, the exam is going to be tomorrow, 2.30 p.m. at Engineering E1 building. Planning to get there early so I won't caught in the rain.

I'll post some more ramblings after the exam... :D

Au revoir!

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