Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Time For Some Changes!

Ergo, new layout! :D I have been dreaming about this layout but seems can't find some time to apply it to this blog!

I know but starting this semester I am so busy with lots of things! Classes, MISI club, and sightseeing! No kidding! Merely for studying though~

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys! I am finally in architecture department!

Long story short, I started 3 weeks after the semester started. On the first day, I got 3 assignments to be submitted within 2 weeks and everything is just crazy from there up to now.

Anyway, all I'm saying I finally get what I've been working for during the previous year. 2011 is just... I don't know.. I can't even describe in words.

but 2012.. hopefully great things happen this year. Amin.
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