Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Time For Some Changes!

Ergo, new layout! :D I have been dreaming about this layout but seems can't find some time to apply it to this blog! I know but starting this semester I am so busy with lots of things! Classes, MISI club, and sightseeing! No kidding! Merely for studying though~ Oh, I forgot to tell you guys! I am finally in architecture department! Long story short, I started 3 weeks after the semester started....
Tuesday, January 10, 2012


After went through a horrible paper on last Sunday, I just found out that I actually have to make a copy of my GC port folio review in A3 size and sumbit it to Head of Bridging Department, Dr. Faiz Elfaki and since I've got no choice I had to settle it - complete with title blocks, on Monday and my flight was at 4.30 p.m. I managed to finish everything by 12 and literally ran here and there to find...
Saturday, January 07, 2012


I updated my iPad 2 with iOS 5.0.1 !!! Been waiting for the update package to be downloaded since forever, it's finally done and I just finished with restoring and everything. ...and I have to say.. .I love it so much! Well, since I still have another paper to sit... I guess the review will have to wait! Anyway, 'happy' examinations and best of luck! Au revoir...
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Facebook Timeline

After much consideration, I decided to go for the new Facebook timeline. Tada~ This is the first time I agree with the transformation of this most talked about social network. I just love the interface used and I especially adore the 'Featured' feature. I do want to highlight certain events of my life. The 'Cover Photo' feature is definitely going to be the highlight feature of this new change...
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Returning 14 Books...

...to the library! :D Not really that much of reading materials compare to those in senior years. Most of them are on architecture and built environment and few books on drawing techniques. Anyway, I've been thinking about architecture more and more each and everyday. Now that it's going to hit me in the face, the fact is just... keep on pressing me. I really wanna go for it. Really. All I'm praying...
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Intro. to Built Environment Final Exam

One word: AWESOME! The 6-three difficulty levels questions were pretty much easy except (of course) the third question. The points acquired from the lecture notes are obviously not enough therefore I had to include some my own perspectives on the importance of urban planning. Anyway, few more days before another paper, let's hit McDonald first. I'm starving...
Monday, January 02, 2012

Draggy Notes

But what to do.... these Intro. to Built Environment notes are probably mere 30% compares to future History of Architecture's notes later on... Wait up. That's one of Architecture Department's subject. I'm still not sure whether I got in or not... Speaking of which, I already had my port folio review on last Friday. Overall, it was okay... I guess. My instructor gave me few more advises on preparing...
Sunday, January 01, 2012

of New Year and Final Exam

I've been standing here since yesterday, ...thinking if I ever can go back to you. ...counting every second before I can make up my mind about you. while every second our paths are parting in two different ways... and we both know it even before yesterday. For all that I know, I can't live without you. I promised that I'll always be with you. ...but then again, can a promise triumph over a...