Thursday, February 23, 2012

Subjects For the Semester...

Finally, I got to register my subjects... :) I had to change my Bahasa's section as it clashes with my QSBE... Hence, changed instructor as well... I just attended QSBE lecture so far... all in all, the lecturer is so awesome! He's Asst. Prof. Dr. Spahic Omer. Known for Islamic architecture books and other amazing things... I just can't believe to actually have him as one of my lecturer. well,...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's the Beginning.

It's been more than a week since the semester had started and up until today, I just attended Bahasa classes that I registered for the sake of wanting to do something useful this week... ...while waiting for the the day I'm going to change to Architecture. Wednesday last week, I went for an interview conducted by the Department of Architecture staffs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aziah, Asst. Prof. Dr. Syala...
Sunday, February 19, 2012


Honestly, I really don't like judging other people knowing that me myself is lacking in so many areas. But then, it's inevitable to judge anyway. At this point, I have 2 choices. Whether to have deep conversation with my head while judging that person, or... to someone about it. But then again, I always have to say this to myself... "you, my friend.. Don't have the luxury to that......
Saturday, February 18, 2012

MISI-On Impossible

So today we had our second program for our MISI Fest'12 which is MISI-On Impossible and alhamdulillah, we got almost 30 participants! Achievement for a Saturday-program like this! The program started around 9 in the morning after the arrival of the committees, and of course the participants, and we had a little breakfast before we proceed with the briefing by the Program Coordinator. This program...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Launching of MISI Club IIUM '12 Button!

In conjunction with MISI Fest'12, the official button for MISI Club IIUM is launched and will be sold at the promotional booth which is located at in front of Mini Auditorium starting today... Took me almost 2 hours to finish up the design...  To all IIUM students out there, do come to our booth and support our club and also other clubs under CENSERVE IIUM...  Peace 'em o...
Monday, February 13, 2012

MISI Festival'12

Here's the official poster~ ...
Thursday, February 09, 2012

Workshop on Strategic Planning

and the themes as for this year is "Enhanced in Personal Credibility and Intellectuality for Each Club". This is actually a continuity of the previous post... But this time, let the pics do the talking... our Mr. P is very well concentrated... :) this was during the presentation session from other clubs under CENSERVE IIUM... With our beloved Mdm. Nelli... Yay! we're done!  One last pic...
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Of Arrival and Workshop

My flight back to Kuala Lumpur was supposedly at 8.10 p.m. but had been delayed for 20 minutes. Board the plane and experienced another delay for like 10 minutes due to air traffic. Anyway, I arrived at LCCT around 11.30 p.m. and was picked up by my uncle, auntie and a cousin. After arrived at their apartment in Cheras, we went for a midnight snack. I went to bed around 3 in the morning. At 7 in...