Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Raining, Again!

Since last week, it's been raining non-stop from morning till night here in Kuantan. Seriously, I'm not complaining but every time it's raining my mood will go down and down. Why? Even I don't know... This raining season is basically driving me crazy... Can't go anywhere, anytime, every single day... I still remember back home, every time it's raining mum will fry something to eat like fried banana,...
Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Semester, New Schedule, New Subjects, New This, New That... and New Home!

Flew back from Sabah on Thursday, stayed at my friend's room in IIUM Gombak Campus, went to Pavilion KL the next day, and I went straight back to campus. It's freaking exhausting!Went to Pavilion to bring my MacBook back to EpiCentre Apple Reseller to check what's wrong with it as when I tried to start, there'll be this annoying bleeping sound that hurts my ear so much until I was about to smash it...
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Floating In The Air

This is my 21st flight.Hmm... My 21st flight is when I'm 21 years old. Cool.I stopped the 'drama' in the airport on my 10th flight. But all of a sudden, there were tears in my eyes when I was looking back and saw mum waving at me. I know that I'm not coming back for a very long time after this. So I guess that's why.Basically, living far from my family is something that I adapted quiet a long time...
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Throughout This Holiday

Seafood - checked.Shopping - checked.Went to Grandma's - checked. 'Cooking like chef' at home - checked. Went for movies - checked. Japanese Drama Marathon - checked.Fighting with lil' brother - checked. Quality time with mum - checked. Dad's Multi-Purpose Assistant - checked. I think I'm quite happy with the holiday this time......
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

I'm Out of My Mind... I Think.

I called some people in the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design of IIUM in Gombak Campus today. I asked the basic questions about the requirements and the prospects if I want to apply the Undergraduate there. I'm not sure whether this is a right thing to do but then this was what I did before I finally decided not to apply UMS last time. I have to know what I'm gonna do if I take it...
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prisoner of Love

I’m a prisoner of love, prisoner of loveJust a prisoner of loveI’m just a prisoner of love A prisoner of love平気な顔で嘘をついて笑って 嫌気がさして楽ばかりしようとしていたないものねだりブルース皆安らぎを求めている満ち足りてるのに奪い合う愛の影を追っている退屈な毎日が急に輝きだしたあなたが現れたあの日から孤独でも辛くても平気だと思えたI'm just a prisoner of loveJust a prisoner of love病める時も健やかなる時も嵐の日も晴れの日も共に歩もうI'm gonna tell you the truth人知れず辛い道を選ぶ<私を応援してくれるあなただけを友と呼ぶ強がりや欲張りが無意味になりましたあなたに愛されたあの日から自由でもヨユウでも一人じゃ虚しいわI'm...
Friday, November 13, 2009

Times Like This

Just finished the 3rd final exams paper. Don't know what to say as they were 300 spaces to be blackened in the MCQ answer sheet and 2 short essays to be answered. The time only 2 and half hour... Phew!As the war isn't over yet, I still got 2 more papers before flying across the South China Sea to go back home and then hello, beaches!When I got myself home, I was thinking about repainting my room....
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When I Look Back...

I was raised in a... I don't know whether my family is perfect or not but I think every family has their own issues, right?When I looked back at what I've been through for the last 21 years, I never really actually have a lot of good memories to be cherished forever... I've been through hard situations when I was in boarding school where I tried my best to fit in but all I can see back then they -...

Love Letter

I've been lying on this comfy bed for almost half an hour but I couldn't sleep... Though I just came back after spending the whole day in the library, I just can't sleep... Though I feel so tired and exhausted... I still can't close my eyes... I hugged Mr. D tightly, but I still feel uncomfortable... So many things in my head but I don't know what am I thinking right now...I guess there's something...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do I Have To Follow What They Say?

Basically now I'm at the end of my first year means I did 2 long semester and I did an extra short semester to do language and religion studies. So far I did 8 Core Courses, 2 University Required Courses, 2 Faculty Required Courses and 2 Service Courses...That are the facts... But honestly, I feel like it's been so many years since I enter this university life! Tiring and exhausting but only a bit...
Friday, October 30, 2009

Give and Take

Finally... after the long 14 weeks the lectures ended today... but then the finals are coming!!!Today also was the final session in Study Circle II, I think its the longest usrah, as we start at 12:30 p.m. and ended everything at 2:30 p.m.!!! Still, I'm glad I went for it... as one of my usrah-mate said something about forgiving people who had done wrong to you...Well, so far... I've been through...
Friday, September 18, 2009

The Coolest Mum and Dad on Earth!

Few days before I went back home, a friend of mine - Mia, showed me her iPhone. I found it very interesting and helpful. She had a lot of applications in there and among them are eBooks of Microbiology, Biochemistry and other medical stuffs. One application costs around $40 - yes, in US dollars! but she can download them for free. Why? I can't tell that in here...Then she told me one of her friend...
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

iPod Classic

Though I was busy observing the 16th IIUM's Taekwondo Open Varsity Competition, I managed to find some time to go to Low Yatt Plaza in KL for a tech-stuffs window shopping... well, that was the plan... :)It was around 1.30 p.m. I took off from IIUM Gombak and headed for KL... When I got there, it was no surprise to see there were so many people and I almost drowned by them especially in the second...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ice Cream Party!

Hey people!Since last time we didn’t manage to stay longer at the place where we had BBQ because it was damn late already to have an ice cream party, so we continue the feast at our class, AG02 right after Bahasa Melayu class today… Seems that our lecturer - Mr. Chow had a good time eating ice cream too!Alright! Let the pics do the talking, okay!Wan and Yaya… Guess who's hand was that? Peace, y'all!G-Ah,Madi,...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lecture 13

Liberalism A political philosophy advocating personal freedom for the individual and a democratic form of government. In religion, it is ascribed to a movement in Christianity that advocates a broad interpretation of the Bible and a freedom from any rigid doctrine. Some philosophers equate it with secularism. Its usage is primarily in politics. It is the view that the autonomy and dignity of the...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lecture 12

Globalization Globalization literally means a series of events that occurs in a global scale, i.e., around the earth, and it is opposite to localization or regionalization, which only concerns with specific problems and issues that only affected a small part of the earth. It is a complex process of social change that involves several dimensions of human endeavors including social, political, economic,...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lecture 11

Extremism Islam is a balance and just religion. It is the most perfect religion that covers all aspects of life of a human being; nothing is left in the Holy Qur’an and in the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad SAW in order to guide our lives either for the benefit in this world or for the rewards in the hereafter. “Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced, that you might be witnesses over...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Lecture 10

Man in the al Quran and the Sunnah Islamic Vision of Man The concept of man is very important in Islamic worldview. It is important to know who we are, where have we come from and where we are going to in order for us to have a meaningful and a satisfactory life on earth. These three important questions has been occupying the minds of man since the dawn of history, and has been answered in various...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lecture 9

Al-Akhirah and Its Implication For Human Life Islamic Vision of Life and Death (الآخرة ) Believing in the hereafter (الآخرة ) is the 5th principle of Arkanul Iman. There are two types of the hereafter: القيامة الصغرى which is death and believing in البرزخ (the life in the grave), and in the reward and punishment in the grave (فتنة القبر ). The second type of the hereafter is القيامة الكبرى , which...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lecture 8

Prophethood and Its Relevance to the Muslim Life Prophethood (النّبوة ) Prophethood is an appointment of selected servants of Allah SWT, who has been appointed and selected to receive His revelation and guidance, and it is being sent through the intermediary of His angel Jibrail AS. Prophethood begins with the first human being, Prophet Adam AS, and ended with the Seal of the Prophets, our Prophet...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lecture 7

Concept of Sunnatullah (مفهوم سنة الله ) The Arabic word Sunnah in its literal sense means habitual practice, customary procedure or norm. It stands for consistency and order. Sunnatullah is the systematic order that Allah SWT created to govern the movement of His creation and make everything function in a consistent and organized way. It is also called the pattern of God, or the order of God in...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Lecture 6

Tawhid and its Implication on Human Life. Tawhid is to believe that there is no other god but only one God, Allah SWT, and to believe in all His Attributes and all His Beautiful Divine Names as mentioned in the al-Qur’an, and also believing that Prophet Muhammad SAW is His Messenger. It is the essence of Islam, the heart of Islam. The message that has been revealed to our Prophet Muhammad SAW and...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lecture 5

The Main Characteristics of Islam Divine Nature of Islam (الربانية ) The totality of Islam has its origin from the Word of Allah SWT, the Noble al-Qur’an, and its message is brought and manifested through the words and deeds of our Prophet Muhammad SAW, as his wife, Aisyah RA said, “The character of the Emissary of God was al-Qur’an.” Al-Qur’an , the principle source of Islam, has remain intact,...