Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do I Have To Follow What They Say?

Basically now I'm at the end of my first year means I did 2 long semester and I did an extra short semester to do language and religion studies. So far I did 8 Core Courses, 2 University Required Courses, 2 Faculty Required Courses and 2 Service Courses...

That are the facts... But honestly, I feel like it's been so many years since I enter this university life! Tiring and exhausting but only a bit exciting...

While doing my foundation, there was one time where I think Architecture is kind of interesting but also very tiring. I saw my roommate - an Architecture student, slept for only a few hours a week, a lot of projects to be done, assignments to be submitted and lots of other things to be done. I'm not complaining but as a Science student, I also have assignments to do, lab reports to be submitted, model constructions, and lots of other things... But I don't know why I don't find this course I'm doing right now is not interesting as I can see in Architecture...

I never actually dream to be an Architect. But before I finished my foundation studies, I grow deep interest towards Architecture. If I saw a very interesting building, not only looking at it for a very long time, I can imagine the blue prints of the building, how the building looks on papers, what are the material used to build it and lots of other things... But mostly, I enjoy the designs of buildings...

Generally, I really like Architecture as a whole, but if I want to be specific, I love interior designing especially for homes. I also think Japanese tea house has great interior design. Every thing inside and outside of the house mean something.

So now, I really don't know what to do. I asked Mum about it, she just said just think for a bit and consider what you've done for the last 3 years - in Foundation and in here... But it's not that I just going to throw everything away. I can still transfer some of my credit hours as I'm still going to be in the same university, I can resell my books that I bought for around RM1000 for second hand price and get at least 50% back. Well, money isn't a problem here. What matter is the thing I'm going to do in future.

Think about this.

If I were an architect, I can involve in my family business easily. When I got accepted in Engineering Faculty, I refuse to get in as it's so NOT my interest to be an engineer. But my Dad said if I were an engineer, I can help with the business. But I didn't think of Architecture during that time so I took Science in Biology as I really love Biology - Anatomy to be specific. So now, I think it's shouldn't be a problem, right?

I've been doing all the things my parents want me to do - it's for my own goodness, I know. But all this time I really did what they asked me to do. When I want to go to an ordinary school, they said boarding school was better, when I want to change my stream to religion studies, they said stay in Science stream, when I said I want to got to KPM's Matriculation, they said IIUM's Matriculation - now Centre for Foundation Studies was better, changing from Department of Biotechnology to Biomedical Science was my own choice but they didn't go against it, and now I want to change to Architecture for the sake of them, and they say NO?

It's not that I'm feeling angry or anything but I'm trying not to be emotional about this.
I'm trying so hard to be rational but I just still can't understand any of this.

Oh God the Almighty, I seek for your guidance...
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