Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Semester, New Schedule, New Subjects, New This, New That... and New Home!

Flew back from Sabah on Thursday, stayed at my friend's room in IIUM Gombak Campus, went to Pavilion KL the next day, and I went straight back to campus. It's freaking exhausting!

Went to Pavilion to bring my MacBook back to EpiCentre Apple Reseller to check what's wrong with it as when I tried to start, there'll be this annoying bleeping sound that hurts my ear so much until I was about to smash it on the wall. Just kidding. Fortunately, as it still in warranty, I got a brand new 2 GB RAM... Nice service! (Actually, there's another customer who was complaining why there wasn't any change after she came last time for a service...). Hmm... I hope that doesn't happen to me!

On the way to Kuantan, the bus broke down in the middle of the road only after half an hour it took off. Thank God I managed to arrive safe and sound.

I went back to hostel first to take all my stuffs with the help from Shidah and later that evening, my new housemate, Fatin gave me a ride to my new home.

It's a double story house. My room located on the second floor and I got myself and Fatin the master bedroom. It's actually not that big but I'm not complaining. It's enough for the two of us. I guess. I started to unpack my things right away but then I realize I need to buy some stuffs first so we went to ECM. All of us were starving so we had our approximately 2 p.m.-lunch at KFC. After that we hit the Carrefour. I bought a study table, a chair, and some food stuffs.

I continued the unpacking mission but Fatin said we need to have our meeting regarding lots of issues upon this house. While we were in deep discussion, Fatin claimed that she heard something and saw a hand on the kitchen's windows. All of us were freaking out. I even had goosebumps. Gosh! We don't know what to do but then look at the kitchen area again and again. There were nothing. So we distracted ourselves talking some more until we heard another sound. Kak Sarah went to check in their bathroom and it's just the water dropping on the sink. Wow. When you are scared and a bit panic, your senses just getting sharper.

So we decided to stop the meeting and get ready for sleep. Everybody took their mattresses and pillows - not forgetting their teddies, to my room and put aside all my stuffs. Therefore here we all are, the 7 girls of this house, sleeping together in this room. It really feels like slumber party right now.

I hope everything will be fine here. I pray hard for us to be safe until the last day we stay in this house. Amin.

Oka, people. Good night! Owh... I mean good morning!
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