Thursday, December 10, 2009

Floating In The Air

This is my 21st flight.

Hmm... My 21st flight is when I'm 21 years old. Cool.

I stopped the 'drama' in the airport on my 10th flight. But all of a sudden, there were tears in my eyes when I was looking back and saw mum waving at me. I know that I'm not coming back for a very long time after this. So I guess that's why.

Basically, living far from my family is something that I adapted quiet a long time ago. I think since 2 semesters before I finished my foundation. Therefore, I don't have the homesickness while being away from my family anymore. It's just that when the times get tough especially during examinations, the feeling of wanting to be home is very strong.

I always remember what Mum said to me that I need to be very focus in my study and do everything what's needed in order to be an exellent student. Do things as hard as I can and as smart as I can get. I have to give 110% commitment in pursuing what I want like I've got nothing to lose.

Hmm... Sometimes I wonder why mums can always say wonderful things that fill our heart with confidence. They always know how to make us feel like floating in the air. Light, free, and comfortable.
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