Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lecture 1

Meaning and Characteristics of the Islamic and other Worldviews The General Definition of Worldview: It is a general concept that applies to the man’s view of his basic metaphysical and cosmological questions. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that seeks to explain the nature of being or reality. It is a study of the ultimate nature of Reality, and the nature of the whole of existence, i.e.,...
Friday, December 19, 2008


It was the third day at my new campus, and by 9 in the morning, my and Hazreen were already at the MPH, KOM to take our Fundamental Knowledge Test which will determine whether we are going to be in the Fardhu ‘Ain Class or the Study Circle group… The result will be announced by tomorrow morning… Next, we took our Tilawah test at the CELPAD office, at level 4 of the building… That’s it… that’s for...

Ending of the Taaruf Session

Woke up by 5.00 in the morning, gathered at the park in the middle of T6, and walked together with the others towards the Musolla in Mahallah Maimunah which is about 3 minutes walk from our Mahallah… after praying Subuh, we had some Tazkirah… Short, simple, but a good one… Then, it was the morning exercise… We gathered at the hall next to the Musolla and started to dance ‘Poco - Poco’…. The instructor...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Day at CamPus!

Alright… Here I am… in Mahallah Talhah 6, Level 2, Room 9, and Compartment D… I am all alone….I arrived at the campus around 8.30 o’clock and I saw bunch of students with their bags and stuffs together with their parents and siblings…. Abang took out all my things from the car and said “Abang rasa kereta Abang baru start bernafas balik..." What? After done with registration, I went to my room and...