Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Introduction to Charcoal

To be honest, the only time where I saw charcoal drawing is in Titanic... Wait up, some said Jack actually used coloured pencil..

Anyway, today in GC class, we were introduced to another medium, charcoal. After showing us some examples, we all then got our hands dirty and tried to draw using soft charcoal.

We're sitting in a big circle and then we're required to draw the person who was sitting right in front of us. I drew Nabil... and Mirwan. I don't wanna go into the details so I left out their faces... of course, some went disastrous, some just go crazy with it, while some just go with the flow - like me.

I don't really care about the turn outs as long I'm trying my best. Well, that was the first time I draw a person figure so as long as I got my proportion correctly, I think it's more than enough.

I'm going to get some charcoal to practice some more. probably I'll get those hard ones so they won't smear so much. Bro. Zack said another method to draw using charcoal is to ground it and spread it on a paper then by using fingers, erasers and whatnot, we tried to work those graphite sprinkles into shapes. I haven't tried it out but it does sounds interesting.

Names like Marcel Duchamp came out so we did a little discussion on some of his works.

...and for the very first time, we don't have any assignment for the next class! Weeeeeeeee~!!!! This actually gives me some more time to work on my previous assignments.

For those who want to try out this medium, be prepared with wet tissues or good soap to get rid those dirt on your hands later. =)

Signing out! ... To the Math class!
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