Sunday, October 02, 2011


I have 4 assignments for the weekend and I haven't done anything yet.

Still finding some inspirations and reading some materials.

As for Graphic Communications, we are required to have this book, Design Drawing by Francis D.K. Ching.

I bought the latest release of the book last week even before I started the class. What a nice coincidence, right? =)

As for Introduction to Built Environment, the required book is 1994's The Built Environment: A Creative Inquiry into Design & Planning by Tom J. Bartuska and G.L. Young but the one we have in the library is the revised edition, released in 2007 with the title of The Built Environment: A Collaborative Inquiry into Design and Planning edited by Wendy R. McClure and Tom J. Bartuska himself.

The assignments aforementioned are consist of 4 drawings, the first one is the composition of lines while the other three are from the third week topic on tones and values, rendering techniques, and shades and shadows.

As for the first assignment, I'm thinking of using pigment pens to draw those lines. Should be okay, right?

I am thinking of using my money-box as the subject for the three assignments but I know it's gonna be tricky as it has many lines and shapes on it still, I'm gonna try anyway.

Alright. I think I'm done with finalizing the things I need.

Signing out!
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