Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GC: Exercise #6

As for today, we learned about two points perspective drawing some more as the lecturer gave out some more examples.

After that, we went outside the studio to find places with this element and ended up in Kulliyyah of Engineering's garden in the E0 building.

For this exercise, we're required to sketch using pens i.e. pigment pens...

...and this is it!

Of course, this isn't finish yet as we couldn't stay longer as it was starting to rain. Which also means we finished class earlier than usual.. weeee~!!

The assignment that is to be submitted on Thursday is we need to find another place with the same element of perspective but draw it this time. I'm thinking to just use the same garden but draw other thing instead... I'll post about it later!

Anyways, do tell me what you guys think!

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