Sunday, October 02, 2011

Fell Apart? Maybe

The thing is, my best friends, Shahida, Samirah and Abeer just went back to IIUM Kuantan campus after crashing in my cube for the past 3 days. It was crazy. Really.

On Thursday, they arrived around 5 p.m. while I was tutoring some of Mathematics classmates on functions.

As I hurried back to Mahallah, parked Jeremy just outside my windows, I ran to my room and saw Sammy stood there in front of the door. I hugged her together with Abeer. I miss them so much!

I went inside and found Sha was sleeping - exhausted from the long journey I guess. But I don't care. I rocked the bed and woke her up. lol

We just spent the whole evening chatting, laughing, eating bunch of crap and around 8.30 we went to the Experimental Hall located at the Rectory building to attend a Talk by Prof. Muhammed Elfaki on Islam & Feminism, organized by WAFA.

We headed back to mahallah and ordered McDonald on the way. At my room we continued on chatting some more, catching up with a LOT of things. I got to hear some stuffs went down in the Kuantan campus lately and bunch of crazy stories. We slept at almost 4 in the morning I think!

The next day on Friday, me, Sha, Sammy and my roommate Kadia Spent half of the day at Times Square KL. We did window shopping after went for a movie - Fright Night at the third level. We went back to campus around 9 after a bad scene at Papa John. But overall, it was fun. Simple things like walking with my friends are just priceless.

...and today, or I should say yesterday (look at the time!), we all went to Nabil Abas & Kak Najwa's wedding. Nabil was the vice president of SCIENCESS 09/10. Isn't it a nice coincidence for the vice president got married after the president? =)

I got to see some people at the wedding i.e. Kak Nadia Hanis who was just awesome! I miss our days back in the SCIENCESS Operation Room. We got to take picture with the groom and the bride and only that moment I suddenly recalled a vague memory of where I actually first met Kak Najwa. She was the committee of my Taaruf week at Matriculation back in 2006 and the week after that, I was on my way to Abu Bakar College for my English class. I was lost in between Al Malik Faisal Hall and the library and there Kak Najwa, asking me if I was lost. Even she was puzzled at first when I asked her where's the ABC 003 class as it was the first time classes were held in the brother's mahallah. But she did directed me to the right venue though. I smiled while walking out of the hall. Thinking on how they are so perfect for each other, knowing Nabil is such a nice guy too.

We took a cab to Alpha Angle mall a.k.a JJ Wangsa Maju as Sha still want to try Papa John no matter what. So we had a pizza, breadsticks, cheese sticks, and baked rice. Sha and Kadia had the bite of their lives when they both bit the pickled chilies. We also looked back at the pictures we took for the past 3 days and I suddenly recalled the Olive Theory when Sammy mentioned that she don't like the olives.

When we went out of the mall, it was raining. KL these days. The weather was quite unpredictable. The rain got heavier when we were in the cab. We arrived in the campus around 4 and the quickly packed and my chest started to get heavy as I watched them.

We all hugged and as I bid them goodbye while they were walking down the hill towards the entrance gate, I felt my tears rolled down on my cheeks. I felt so sad but I know I'm going to see them again.

Here I am, sitting in my room. Looking at the pictures that I took again and again. I know I eventually will find new friends here in Gombak but I can't deny the fact that I'll always long for them to be here with me. But this is the reality as we walked different paths in our lives.

P.S.: currently listening the Glee version of 'Somewhere Only We Know' sung by Blaine Anderson of the Warblers.
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