Friday, March 04, 2011

Vice Versa Part I

Part I

Finally after I'm done with designing, planning and buying all the stuffs I need to do my first project - serial planes, so I figured.. why don't I post the whole process in here?

These are all I need for the planes...

...err... you may wonder... what's with the inter-framing iPod, right? Thanks to Danny - it has a name, I can stay up until late night finishing things up... If there’s anyone of you out there in attempt to do a serial plane, please be extra careful with the knife... The mounting board may looks easy to cut but I almost lost a finger when I unknowingly changed my pressure and strength while holding the knife!

This is for the center part... inspiration for the shape? Sea lion, I guess... haha kidding!

The 'tower' - this has another set - so basically there are three parts of the whole thing..

Preparing for the fun part of this project - degrading and upgrading the tones... some may find it unbelievable but to be honest, this is the first time I bought poster colours... I chose Buncho because I saw my roommate used the same thing back in foundation.. Simple, right? ...and why purple? Though I never listed purple as my favourite colour, so the sole reason why I chose purple it's because I would like to dedicate this project to my bestie - Shasha...

These are the colours I used to come up with different light and dark tones... It’s easy to get different tones for the light ones but I got to be extra careful while mixing up purple and black cause they did turned out to be a different type of purple - not darker ones... Since I’m not that expert, these are all I got...

So, after I’m done doing final touches - correcting and making sure all the planes are ready, I proceeded with the base for them...

I’ll post up the early sketches of this model later, kay?

See you in part II...
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