Thursday, March 17, 2011


On Monday, while I was reading some books in the library, I received a call from a private number. Filled with curious, I picked up.

"Is this Nuraini Munira Jalir?"

"As the lawyer of D****** V***** R********, I would like to inform you that this company is going to sue you with RM 10 000..."

I was about to collapse upon hearing that...

"For further explanation, please call this number.."

I called the number 2 seconds after I hung up the first call.

Turns out same voice, same slang, answered my call. Then he explained about this privilege card that I agreed to sign up on October 2010 in East Coast Mall, Kuantan.

It is a privilege card that can give you discount if you flash that card while buying plane tickets from AirAsia and if you reserve at some hotels in Malaysia. The original price is RM 999 but there giving out some special promotion - RM 350 for students. I agreed to pay RM 60 for deposit, it's not I'm going to get the privilege card right away, it's a deposit that will be burned if I don't wish to proceed with the whole thing by settling the fee of RM350.

It is true that I agreed - filled a form and whatsoever, but one thing I remembered what the agent said is they don't accept any payment within 12 months, they'll send some sort of notice - letter to remind me about the whole deal.

But what the guy had told me on the phone was totally different from what I heard from before.

That if they don't accept any payment within 12 months, they have rights to sue me, with RM 10 000!

My banks accounts - Maybank, and CIMB had been suspended and I may not eligible to apply for any scholarship after this.

A letter will be sent to my current address saying that I have to be in court next week for the proceedings... WHAT???

Even the lawyer mentioned earlier that maybe it's the agent before this had some problems in explaining the whole deal to me... WHAT???

I can't think straight after that... Maybe it's my fault that I didn't read the whole agreement before signing up but how come these agents can be so stupid in explaining things?

Then the guy said if I don't want to be sued, I should pay the whole package - RM 999 plus I have to bear half of the lawyer fee of RM 350 to revoke the whole thing by 3 p.m. that day.

Is this some kind of fraud? That's what I've been thinking.

I called my parents after that and asked for their advices. My brother agreed to take care of the whole thing once he got here in KL. He called the guy earlier and had some sort of agreement to settle things which I still don't know about. But the guy agreed by settling things up by being paid with RM 300 ++. WHAT THE???

Feeling lost and unable to use my mind for awhile, my mum asked me to trust her on this that she believes that as long as I don't use other's people money, I don't cheat other people's money, there's no way I can be sued easily.

So, in conclusion, all I want to say is before you guys sign anything, do read the whole agreement!

I have so many things going on for the past 3 months already. But with this thing, I'm almost lost my senses and only today I guess, I'm back to my normal self again and be able to think straight.

I'm not saying the whole thing is settled already, but for now I think I can sleep without thinking so much about this whole crazy-stupid-ridiculous thing.

What a damage! Tsunami in Japan with 9.0 Richter's scale is devastating but this tsunami I had... a total damage to my perspective upon strangers at the shopping malls.
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