Monday, March 21, 2011

The Wait is Finally Over!

The past weeks were full of disturbing incidents hence lack of sleep, but finally when the Admission and Records of IIUM office emailed me the result of my application to KAED... now I can finally eat and sleep without worrying so much about it...

Oh yeah! The result is... drumroll please...

I'M IN!!!!

Now that I think of it, the nearly 2 hours of interview by Applied Arts and Design lecturer and 2 Deputy Deans in KAED, is totally worth it!

To be honest, that was the first time I've been interviewed. Though a week before the interview I was in total control and composed, I was in wreck the morning of that day. I was so nervous, I went to the toilet like 5 times! I couldn't think straight, I took wrong buses to the faculty building, and thought the back side of the building is the front side of the building.

Though I got there half an hour early, I forgot to bring my certificates. I sneaked in an eraser during the drawing test - but eventually being confiscated by one of the Deputy Deans, and until this day, I actually couldn't recall clearly what did I blabbered about throughout the interview but not until after I showed the three interviewers my e-portfolio - my serial planes that I worked on a week before coming here.

All in all, I think it's safe to say that getting into KAED was something that I worked on all by myself - of course by the recommendations by the Deputy Deans in KAED so I would like to thank them for the opportunity given to me and hereby I promise that I'll work hard - and if I don't, well... make me, threat me with anything...

... I guess this is a point in my life where I'm about to embark on new journey - that I supposed to take long ago... So, wish me luck!

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