Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just For A While

While I was surfing the internet, trying to get some ideas for my aunt's company profile cover, suddenly I remembered that it's been a while since I last post something in here...

and therefore.. not only updating it, I happened to change its layout... So, voalla!

Just want to experiment with bright colours... I kinda like the back ground... I definitely love abstracts... It's full of wild and freedom...

well, not only that... here I want to say something about... social skills...

In life, we meet new people almost every day... For me, as I already assumed myself involved in family business in civil and electrical construction, it's natural for me to meet new people every day - of course they are all older than me... therefore, it's a great experience to learn from them... Social skills are different among people and there I can see though some of them come from rural areas, their social skills are good compare to some city people who don't even know how to respect other people..

In order to gain respect from other people, we have to respect them first.. In order to be a good leader among your workers, you yourself have to show professionalism and able to take other's critics... and of course there are lots of other things you need to have in order to be a good leader...

but of course, in this line of business also, we face problems and obstacles.. but nothing frustrates us more than betrayal among our own comrades or in this case, business partner...

yesterday, a friend of my dad came to our office and talked to my dad about his friend - a long time friend, who supposed to help him in order to get a 29 mil project by lending him his licenses - and of course, will get at least 1 mil for that, had retracted his licenses and agreed to give another party his licenses for 2 mil.. though the whole process of getting the tender already done with more than 50%, and lots of money already invested just to get chance to compete for the tender, not to mention his time and efforts... and of course the preparation that needed to be carried out in order to make sure his company has no problem in handling the project - enough funding and various other things needed to be done...

But now, everything went down the drain... his time, efforts, and money had wasted already... Without doubt, that man is not trustworthy at all.. but then my dad's friend had said something that I find quite surprising..

"Yes, I lost some money, and maybe, just maybe he could win the tender and get 1 or 2 mil.. But now he's on his own.. He lost me, he lost all of us..."

Well, during that moment, I realized that this man who's sitting in front of dad is a great person... Not only admitting what goes around comes around, but also he knows everything will happen according to what had already been destined by no one else but God... So I pray to God to give him strength to cope with the whole situation and give him rezeki in near future... As long he's sincere in doing his jobs, for the sake of Allah, and for the benefits of people that he loves and cares about...

Business is full of risks... But for me, as long as you're going into the right path, Allah will always give the best and if mishaps are brought upon you, you always have to be patient and ask Him for guidance and strength...

All in all, there are lots of things I need to learn in life... Wise in choosing your friend, and always believe in your own strength are what my parents told me..

So, cheer up, people... If you think you're down, and lost... Ask Allah for guidance...

Insya Allah... You'll find your way...
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