Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Raining, Again!

Since last week, it's been raining non-stop from morning till night here in Kuantan. Seriously, I'm not complaining but every time it's raining my mood will go down and down. Why? Even I don't know... This raining season is basically driving me crazy... Can't go anywhere, anytime, every single day... I still remember back home, every time it's raining mum will fry something to eat like fried banana,...
Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Semester, New Schedule, New Subjects, New This, New That... and New Home!

Flew back from Sabah on Thursday, stayed at my friend's room in IIUM Gombak Campus, went to Pavilion KL the next day, and I went straight back to campus. It's freaking exhausting!Went to Pavilion to bring my MacBook back to EpiCentre Apple Reseller to check what's wrong with it as when I tried to start, there'll be this annoying bleeping sound that hurts my ear so much until I was about to smash it...
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Floating In The Air

This is my 21st flight.Hmm... My 21st flight is when I'm 21 years old. Cool.I stopped the 'drama' in the airport on my 10th flight. But all of a sudden, there were tears in my eyes when I was looking back and saw mum waving at me. I know that I'm not coming back for a very long time after this. So I guess that's why.Basically, living far from my family is something that I adapted quiet a long time...
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Throughout This Holiday

Seafood - checked.Shopping - checked.Went to Grandma's - checked. 'Cooking like chef' at home - checked. Went for movies - checked. Japanese Drama Marathon - checked.Fighting with lil' brother - checked. Quality time with mum - checked. Dad's Multi-Purpose Assistant - checked. I think I'm quite happy with the holiday this time......
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

I'm Out of My Mind... I Think.

I called some people in the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design of IIUM in Gombak Campus today. I asked the basic questions about the requirements and the prospects if I want to apply the Undergraduate there. I'm not sure whether this is a right thing to do but then this was what I did before I finally decided not to apply UMS last time. I have to know what I'm gonna do if I take it...