Monday, September 09, 2013

A New Academic Year Has Begun

First of all, 

When I think about it, it's been over 2 years since I'm in this architecture field. Though I still haven't advance to second year due to 2 subjects, I think I'm starting to settle myself in this field. 

What's the difference between then and now? One of the things would be I am not so clueless when I talked to my parents about building constructions. At least I get like 30% compared to before. 

I started to sketch in my free times as well. It just happened. I hope I can really stick with this new thing cause heck, I'm gonna need it like for the rest of my life. 

So what are my expectations this semester? I just hope I can pass with at least B in my Architectural Design this semester. If not, well. I don't know if I can survive another blow of extending another semester. 

Though it's normal to extend few semesters in our department, I just want to get over this phase of my life so badly. 

Sure, learning in this great (really?) institution is awesome but now I really have to move on with different kind of life. Seeing my friends and one year juniors graduating this semester makes me depressed. 

I know that I don't have to feel that way because everyone has their own pace going through university lives but damn it I just can't lie to myself that I'm not even slightly envy with them. 

But of course, those are the lame voices in my head. 

Cause in reality, I am cool with everything I have right now. Though I'm gonna spend half of the rest of my life in here with the new batch, with the possibility of doing heritage studies with them, while other half with ArQuinces, I think I'm gonna be okay. 

Let's all pray that we all can go through this semester safely. 

Live. Learn.Work.Play.Pray

2 comments on "A New Academic Year Has Begun"
  1. Hi Mira! You can do it! Don't mind people who talk. They just don't understand. Even here in my country it's also normal for our field to extend semesters/years. Even I didn't graduate on time. *whispers* Nobody on a batch did. :/
    And who knows, you might still have a chance to become classmates with your batch mates when they also fall behind. :/ Hehe
