Saturday, March 05, 2011

Vice Versa Part II

Basically for the centre part, the planes have the ‘heads’ and the ‘tails’... At lighter tones, the ‘heads’ are smaller from one to another while the ‘tails’ are shorter from one to another... This part is going in a circle, in exact 360 degrees. From 0 degree to 90 degree are the light tones, from 100 degrees to 270 degrees are the dark tones, and from 280 degrees to 360 degrees, the planes are going light again... So, this is it!

This is the front view...

This is the view from the back...

This is the right side...

When I’m done with the centre part, I went on with the left ‘tower’...

Done with the left part...

Proceed with the left part...

and voalla! This is before I’m truly done a day after...

With that, I’ll post the final part and I’ll explain what’s this model about...

3 comments on "Vice Versa Part II"
  1. congratulation elle..ur serial plane is so nice...thumbs up..i'll pray for ur success to do AAD...i hope we can be fren soon...:)

  2. hey! thanx... I thought about what you said the other day... and I was thinking of making another one... =)

    you too! I sincerely hope that you can get into QS...

    hmm.. if we're meant to be friends soon, you should call me Erin... that's my real nickname.. =D I'm sorry for confusing you earlier...

  3. it's ok....anyway, thanx sis erin...hehe
