I recalled the last time I wore that old red Padini Authentic shirt was about 2 years ago (right photo); I was about to go out with a couple of friends that I used to hang out with and had to wear it this morning as I departed from parent's place (left photo). I didn't packed anything when I went home for the weekend as I was thinking that I don't have to go anywhere other than just my office but I got a last minute invitation to a meeting at MINDEF hence the no-shorts and t-shirts allowed on their military grounds. If you're curious, yes, those are the same shawl and watch too.
If you're a HIMYM fan then you would remember that one episode from the first season titled 'Return of the Shirt' where Ted Mosby was reuniting with an old shirt and attempted to get back together with an ex-girlfriend. God, I promise you that I won't be back together with the two. I promise.
Things have been real crazy for the past month as I was occupied with accounting audits since early last month and I'm about halfway through with 2 days left for me to submit my documents to my accountants. I'm positive that I can finish everything on time and the fact that I've finished half of this whole thing today allows me to at least have a good sleep tonight.
So, good night!
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