Monday, March 14, 2011


A Detail is a discrete element of a larger work - a particular component to be considered particularly. In a room, a detail can be the resonance or buffering of sound, the tangible, corporeal feeling of a floor or a bench, or the way two materials meet side by side. On a building, a detail can be the treatment of a roof edge or surface, the unexpected use of a certain material, or the way a corner is turned. Further, a detail can be unfixed, ephemeral - the dematerialization of a textile interplay of light and shadow, reverberation, temperature. Details, though they may be small are not minor or inconsequential. If a building is more than the sum its parts, it is nevertheless the sum of its parts. Details are inextricably linked to what we call "desire": our greater aspiration for a work of architecture; our vision for its unifying idea or meaning. Detail should express the same meaning as the space and contribute to the holistic experience of that space.

-1100 Architect, The Monacelli Press

Disclaimer: quotes from the above book..I do not own this..
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