Saturday, November 30, 2013

Of Little Taiwan and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Hey, people! How's your weekend so far? I have so many things to do right now and decided to do this post while resting my mind off design project for a  bit.  Today I'm going to post about a night out with a friend last week at my newly favourite hotspot, KL Festival Mall. We went out on Saturday and it's been a while (like more than a year) for me to go out with a friend that has a car.  We...
Thursday, November 14, 2013

November. Oh, November

Wow. Look at that time. It's 5:49 in the morning. I really did it this time. I was updating my other blogs, ended up watching some stupid videos, downloading some music, updating Facebook and etc. etc. It's been a while since I last spent over 5 hours in front of computer. Feeling 18 all over again. LOL Having a 20-inch all-in-one isn't helping at all. Guys, please avoid buying big screens. Seriously. Anyway,...