Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life is full of mystery.

Well, everybody knows that.  While I was hanging out with first year students, some of them were really surprised when I told them I once have a life in Kuantan.  To be honest, I don't really know what to say if people ask me questions like "Why are you in architecture?" or "since you already have experiences in Biomedical Science, why don't you choose a related course like health sciences,...
Friday, September 13, 2013

Typical First Week.

So I heard the Design Studio was postponed due to the First Year's bai'ah (Promise) session today. Ah, I remember when I took my oath. I was the only who's sitting while others are required to stand up. Haha That's another day's story. So I just decided to clear out all my fees, with additional of RM12.50 to my hostel fee (Thank God we don't have to register our electrical appliances anymore!) and...
Monday, September 09, 2013

A New Academic Year Has Begun

First of all,  When I think about it, it's been over 2 years since I'm in this architecture field. Though I still haven't advance to second year due to 2 subjects, I think I'm starting to settle myself in this field.  What's the difference between then and now? One of the things would be I am not so clueless when I talked to my parents about building constructions. At least I get...
Sunday, September 08, 2013

New Year. New Goals.

So I woke up this morning with one thing popped into my head at once. New academic year. This year is going to be my second year since I change to Architecture Department here in Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design of IIUM. There are only few subjects left before I'm proceeding to my second year. Can't wait to be done with First Year subjects! I already registered 3 subjects so far,...