Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Things To Consider

To be perfectly honest, I am aware of my lack of skills when it comes to drawing. What can I say. It's only been a year since I started to draw. Of course I have a LOT to improve. Plus, I came from medical background. Well, let's not contemplate with the past. Maybe I was excellent back then but let's face the reality right now. It's been almost a year since I ventured this whole new world of...
Sunday, January 06, 2013

One More Week

After we had a little gathering last night, me and mum sent my big bro, my sis in-law and our most beloved little Adam to the airport. We went to the Sri Rohayu cafe nearby just to hang out before their boarding time. ... Probably just to distract myself from the fact that Adam is going back to KL first, I went for a walk. This is one of the things why I love my hometown. To be able to see...
Saturday, January 05, 2013

Of Skating, Les Miserables and Flying!

It was decided that after we submitted our Architectural Graphics compiled works, we're going to the Sunway Pyramid to skate. .... and by the time we were done with submission was around 5 o'clock. But the beauty of it is we still going anyway.  We arrived at Sunway Pyramid sometime around 6.30 p.m. after a horrible ride on a run-down bus (which is my fault, plus there's no cab at that...
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Oh, well. I have Building Construction and Material 1 paper tomorrow so goodbye New Year celebration. Anyway, I hope all is well this year around. Hope I can get to second year smoothly with good CGPA and all. Hope my friends are happy no matter where they are... To those are getting married this year, I wish you guys are blessed with happiness and to those are like me, still crawling (literally)...