Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy van de Rohe day...

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (March 27, 1886 – August 17, 1969) was a German-American architect who is famous as the master of modern architecture... His famous aphorisms, "less is more" and "God is in the details"...

Happy birthday, Mies... :)
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Holly Holliday

Haha :D it's the name of Gwyneth Paltrow in Glee~

Still, starting tomorrow, it's going to be my 11 days mid term break! Weeeeeee!

Lots of things need to be done throughout this holiday though...

Hmm~ let's make a list. (yeah~make a list...)

#1 Winter Cleaning! Looking at my room, #sigh 
#2 finish the unfinished reading (hence, notes~) for mid term exam~ #sigh 
#3 sorting the unsorted things in my MacBook. Only 10Gb left! No wonder Ellie is getting slower and slower these days. Hence, I need to burn all those movies into DVDs.
#4 blogs updates! :D I love this part!
#5 DSLR camera survey
#6 put Jeremy into shower.
#7 software updates for MacBook, iPhone, and iPad. it's going to be a long journey of boredom~
#8 interior designing for big bro's new apartment #awesomeness!
#9 wedding anniversary present for mum and dad~
#10 Tracking back all my expenses and report back to dad. #this is going to be ugly

okay... that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there are plenty more I need to do but these are on the top of the list.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

So many things!

Yet so little time!

Since I started my classes on the fourth week, I gotta say. At this point, I really just wanna drop my subjects and go for a study leave! I'm going to extend for another semester as I can't register Studio 1 as it's not offered this semester. Hence, I still have 6 semesters ahead of me! Meaning a supposedly 6 long semesters + 3 short semesters program turned into a 7 long semesters + the short semesters!

..Or is it allowed to take the short semesters subjects during a long semester? I better go and see my academic advisor.

I think that's all for now~

Au revoir!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It Was Fun!

As for today's Culture's lesson, we were assigned with a task where we are going to attempt to understand the challenges of an old man who's on a wheelchair. Hence, we rented a wheelchair and went to CAC to experience the building.

We went around and among things that we found that need serious improvemens are the ramps provided are definitely not up to standards. It's so freaking hard to wheel on those ramps!

Since this is the last day of the Ummatic Week, we decided to go for a spin around the hall. Well, literally.

Anyway, enjoy the pics! Hehe

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What a Day!

It's Wednesday and I only had Envi. Sc. Syst. for today. So I decided to continue the hunt for my first DSLR camera. First spot, Nikon at Suria KLCC.

After that, I went to Arc to check out new merchandises. Well, nothing new.

Next is my favourite spot in KLCC, which is Kinokuniya bookstore!

They just re-stocked their Luxe journal collection and while checking other things, there it was. A kind of journal that I've been looking for all this time.

After that, I went to Starbucks and had caramel macchiato on my back to campus.

With that, au revoir!
Monday, March 05, 2012

Of Kinokuniya and Recycling

I went to Kinokuniya this evening to do some research for Cultural and Human Behaviour in the Built Environment subject which is on human behaviour in different physical setting.

Okay. That's sounds complicated (and boring), right? Simply said I have to make observation in a building and as for my part, I chose to do it in a bookstore, hence Kinokuniya.

Anyway, after asking the management unit regarding permission to study the store, which is not yet granted cause of some dull procedures that I have to go through (hey, I'm polite enough to ask permission!) before I can do the stuff I gotta do i.e. taking pictures, questionnaires maybe, and of course some sketching.

Anyway, I went around the manga section (mostly) and to the Japanese section. There are many Japanese magazines and books though unfortunately I can't read Japanese yet... I even notice a (RM11.00) Japanese shimbun (newspaper)!

After mesmerizing myself with the whole collection of Vampire Knight and Black Butler manga collections (again), I went to the kids corner, to see how it's like and how it benefit parents, children and the store itself.

I have a weird soft spot for notebooks or note pads. Believe me, it's crazy! As I walked the last aisle on the stationery section, I noticed the weird, plain, and dull features of notebooks and note pads. As it piles up on a shelf only revealing the spines towards me, I picked one of them and it has "Reuse" word on it. I picked another one with "Reduce" word on it. I went on picking another one with "Recycle" on it and the last notebook I picked is with "Rethink" on it.

I fell in love with all of them. Plain and simple. But since they're only with 200 pages, I decided to go with the 400 pages one.

I picked some note pads, too!

and... I worked on something just now~ :)


Haha :D it's not really good but no worries, I still have 2 to work on... 

Okay.. last but not least, remember to:

...and to:
